MMORPG Game News
MMORPG Game News
111 articles/week
Dive into immersive worlds with our coverage of the latest MMORPG games. We bring you news, updates, and reviews for all your favorite MMORPGs.
The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming watches a galactic war from the ZeroSpace beta
The Stream Team: Backseat Streaming watches a galactic war from the ZeroSpace betaMOP’s MJ and Chris are kicking back, relaxing, and watching a galactic war go down. That sounds dire on paper, but it’s fine because this is in the developing RTS ZeroSpace so no actual alien life forms were harmed in the making of the beta gameplay footage they’ll be enjoying. As for digital aliens? There’s […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 6
Overwatch 2 steps up its technology game with a DirectX 12 beta
Overwatch 2 steps up its technology game with a DirectX 12 betaOverwatch 2 is taking steps this week to stay on top of the technology curve, as Blizzard announced that it’s running a beta for DirectX 12 support. “We are excited to announce that Overwatch 2 now supports DirectX 12. For the first time, Overwatch 2 will support multiple graphics APIs. This update is part of […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 6
Villagers & Heroes gets a patch awash in Frontier Zones
Villagers & Heroes gets a patch awash in Frontier ZonesSo it’s important to note that the big patch 5.4.0 that has gone live for Villagers & Heroes is very proud of having five new Frontier zones. This is true. It does not state that all five of those zones are themselves new, so if you were hoping for five new zones, you may be […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
War Thunder has unveiled a new auction house where gamers bid on player-created cosmetics
War Thunder has unveiled a new auction house where gamers bid on player-created cosmeticsAuction houses aren’t a new thing to MMOs, but they are something new to the multiplayer military vehicle battler War Thunder. What’s more, this auction house isn’t for any standard in-game items like gear or potions; it will be for player-created cosmetic items. The auction system uses the same Gaijin Coin currency that’s already used […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
Blizzard lays out the design pillars for World of Warcraft’s accessible neighborhood housing
Blizzard lays out the design pillars for World of Warcraft’s accessible neighborhood housingThe news that World of Warcraft is getting housing with its next expansion, Midnight, shocked the whole MMORPG genre – and us too, as we even called it the biggest MMO surprise of 2024. And as of this afternoon, we’re finally getting a peek at just what the MMO’s take on MMO housing will look […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
EA is plotting Apex Legends 2.0 while scapegoating Dragon Age 4’s lack of live-service features
EA is plotting Apex Legends 2.0 while scapegoating Dragon Age 4’s lack of live-service featuresLast week’s news that BioWare had shed a significant portion of its remaining team following Dragon Age: The Veilguard failing to meet EA’s ambitious promises to investors (which is not the same as actually failing) wasn’t really news for us here on MOP. Dragon Age 4 cut multiplayer out all the way back in 2021, […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
World of Warcraft’s state of the game vows an improved new player experience and social initiatives
World of Warcraft’s state of the game vows an improved new player experience and social initiativesWorld of Warcraft is surprisingly chatty this Wednesday, with an article on Patch 11.1’s cartels earlier today and a housing preview (!) in a little bit. But sandwiched in the middle is a state of the game post from WoW Vice President Holly Longdale, in which she teases some initiatives coming to the game later […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
The Stream Team: Shooting galleries and minigolf in Tower Unite
The Stream Team: Shooting galleries and minigolf in Tower UniteMOP’s Chris is once again hopping into the multiplayer “game of games” that is Tower Unite! Why? Because there have been some more games added in recently, including some midway-style shooting galleries and more minigolf! Join him and his best friend Britarnya for some good clean fun today at 2:00 p.m. EST! What: Tower Unite […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
Pokemon Go isn’t canceling its LA tour after the wildfires, but it’s offering refunds
Pokemon Go isn’t canceling its LA tour after the wildfires, but it’s offering refundsIf you were planning on attending Pokemon Go’s Unova – Los Angeles tour later this month, there are two things you need to know: First, the tour is still happening. And second, you can get a refund on those $30 tickets if you’ve changed your mind. Niantic wrote yesterday that the LA wildfires have impacted […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5
Riders of Icarus announces and then bizarrely cancels plans for EU and NA server merges
Riders of Icarus announces and then bizarrely cancels plans for EU and NA server mergesFile this one as another page in the very odd story that is Riders of Icarus: Last month, Valofe announced plans to merge its remaining NA and EU servers, condensing what was left of the MMORPG’s population into two servers for each region. This smooshing was meant to start on February 6th for EU players […]
Massively OverpoweredFeb 5