XBOX Game Reviews
XBOX Game Reviews
11 articles/week
Our unbiased and detailed reviews of the latest XBOX games help you decide what to play next. We cover everything from gameplay and graphics to story and replayability.
Capes Review
Capes ReviewThe capes have been hung up The post Capes Review appeared first on WellPlayed .
Reviews Xbox – WellPlayedJul 25
Review: Flock Is a Delightful and Cozy Flight
Review: Flock Is a Delightful and Cozy Flight There aren’t many games out there like Flock . It’s a flight sim. It’s a creature collector. It’s a mystery game. It’s a puzzle game. All of these descriptions apply, but not exactly. Flock is a strange beast, which is appropriate when it’s a game all about finding strange beasts. You play as a bird rider heading to visit their zoology professor aunt Jane, who has a task for you. She wants you to document the creatures of the land around her home and lower the cloud level in the process. You achieve this through observation, documentation and a system of whistles. Gameplay in Flock is simple. You fly around a small open world, on the lookout for creatures hopping around the land. You fly close to them, observe them and use Jane’s notes to determine which creature you’re looking at, gradually filling up a creature book with details. In addition, you can find whistles for different types of creature, allowing you to charm them and get them to follow you around, which is the flock of the game’s title. That’s it. That’s the game. It’s the most basic of mechanics and yet Flock manages to be delightfully compelling. Flying around the world feels good, for a start. The lack of friction to the movement makes it feel playful. This is enhanced by ring structures that can be dashed through and chained together for a satisfying drift through the skies. You’ll be swooping, drifting and coasting around to your heart’s content and loving every minute of it. Screenshot by Siliconera Seeking out creatures is also a joy. Flock doesn’t openly point them out to you. Instead, you have to listen out for any noises they might be making while staying vigilant for movement in the grass or in the trees. A glow in the woods at night could be something, while careful examination of a lakebed might reveal a pair of eyes peering out of the sand. Flock wants you to stop and carefully examine your surroundings, leave no stone unturned and keep making new discoveries. This is the main draw of Flock , in fact. Because you have to make all these discoveries yourself, using only single line clues in the guide along with your own intuition, it’s extremely rewarding to find new creatures. You’ll see something wiggle in a rock formation and immediately work out out the correct distance to observe without spooking it. You’ll hear persistently loud chirping from tall grass and delight to find a weird duck in there. You’ll peer into a rock and be surprised to see something peering back. The vagueness of these clues may be maddening to more impatient completionists, however. Some creatures require some meticulous searching, while the hints can sometimes be too vague for their own good. It’s a huge appeal for someone like me, with my love of slowly figuring out puzzles, but it may not be to everyone’s taste. Screenshot by Siliconera The vibes are immaculate for this gentle kind of experience though. The visual style is all bold colors and pastel shades, which means every part of this game is gorgeous to look at. The character designs are charming too. The creatures are all bizarre little hybrids based on various fish and birds, all marked by big eyes and pronounced features. Some have goofy little beaks, some are tiny beans that are mostly all eye, and some are whale-like beasts with huge maws. One creature, the Gormless Skyfish, is a happily clueless, bug-eyed fish identified by it being “no thoughts head empty”, and I love it so much. These adorable designs even extend to the few human characters, including your own avatar. They remind me of Muppets, all big faces and noodly limbs. You can even get very silly with your characters, dressing them in a poncho and wading trousers, among other things. The silliness of these character designs is enhanced by the writing, which fills the dialogue with a ton of charm and humor. Your uncle Reg, for instance, is single-mindedly into sheep, where he’ll dismiss any earth-shattering natural discoveries you make simply because he can’t shear them for wool. Screenshot by Siliconera Sheep are also a mechanic in Flock , but they’re one of the parts that don’t feel fully realized. You can collect a flock of sheep in addition to the regular beasties, and their role is to graze on overgrown meadows. This reveals Burgling Bewls that have stolen the various whistles you need to charm creatures, as well as new clothes and space for more creatures. But they can’t be used for anything else and you can’t spread multiple sheep onto multiple meadows at once. They feel like they were added simply to have a collectible system on top of the standard creature collecting, and it doesn’t feel fully fleshed out as an idea. That said, this minor use is a step-up from how limited the actual flock of the title feels. As you find creatures, you can use the various whistles to initiate a mini-game where you must blow the whistle at the appropriate distance to charm them into following you. As the game progresses, you become a full-fledged Pied Piper, with everything you’ve charmed following you in a big group. However, they do nothing. They don’t help search for more creatures, they can’t be sent into crevices to pull out other friends and they can’t help chase down the faster beasts. They just sit there behind your bird, looking pretty and making noises if you press the right button to squawk at them. I feel it would add so much to the game if different creatures had different uses that aided in your search for the final entries. Despite the game being named after it, this flock doesn’t do much of anything, and that’s disappointing. Screenshot by Siliconera This feeling of ideas not being fully realized adds to a general feeling of repetition that runs through the game. The gameplay loop is very much swooping around, marking creatures in your book and heading off to do the next one. As a low-stakes game for short chillout gameplay sessions, this is perfect, but it does make the game feel a little tedious if you play for too long in one sitting. However, most of these criticisms are nitpicks. If you’re willing to approach Flock on its own terms, most of this washes away. It lulls you into its atmosphere with ease. It's also designed to be played co-op, as you and your fellow bird riders can soar around together. I never got to experience this aspect of the game, but I imagine it adds a lot. Flock is a comfort blanket of a game. Its simplicity isn’t for everyone but it’s hard to deny its charm. If you’re looking for something cozy to kick back with at the end of a long day, Flock is exactly what you need. Flock is available now for the PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The post Review: Flock Is a Delightful and Cozy Flight appeared first on Siliconera .
Xbox One Archives - SiliconeraJul 24
Hands On: Call Of Duty MW3's Campaign Is Here For A Good Time, But A Short Time
Hands On: Call Of Duty MW3's Campaign Is Here For A Good Time, But A Short TimeModern Shortfare. Update (Tue 23rd Jul, 2024): With Call of Duty: MW3 joining Xbox Game Pass this week , we thought we'd share some of our older coverage to give you an idea of what to expect. Below, you'll find our original "hands on" of the MW3 campaign from last November, which highlights what you can look forward to from a single-player perspective. We do also have a full review of Call of Duty: MW3 here at Pure Xbox , but keep in mind that the multiplayer aspects have been regularly built upon since last November, so it's a more outdated read. You'll find that review here: Read the full article on
Pure Xbox | Latest UpdatesJul 23
Poll: What Do You Think Of 'Flintlock: The Siege Of Dawn' On Xbox So Far?
Poll: What Do You Think Of 'Flintlock: The Siege Of Dawn' On Xbox So Far?How are you finding it? It's been a few days now since Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn made its debut for Xbox Game Pass on July 18th, and considering the game's opening weekend has now passed, we'd like to know how the Pure Xbox audience is feeling about this Game Pass action RPG. We had mixed feelings on this one during our review time to be honest. There's merit to what developer A44 Games has built here, but the title is certainly a little rough around the edges at launch. Read the full article on
Pure Xbox | Latest UpdatesJul 22
Review: F1 Manager 2024 (Xbox): The Best And Most Affordable Version Yet
Review: F1 Manager 2024 (Xbox): The Best And Most Affordable Version YetA place on the podium. When F1 Manager first arrived on Xbox a few years ago as a brand-new franchise from the simulation geniuses at Frontier Developments, we were genuinely surprised at how well they'd managed to combine the thrill of EA's F1 series with the addictive strategy elements of Motorsport Manager . Then, F1 Manager 2023 ended up being a more polished outing when it arrived last July, and now we're getting the best version yet in F1 Manager 2024 . The big highlight feature this year is something called "Create A Team", where you can design your own F1 franchise to take on the likes of Ferrari and Mercedes. It very much works the same way as the usual experience, but you can tailor it to your liking - pick the drivers you want, pick the staff you want, choose how much money you want to start with, etc. You get a few customisation elements too, such as the ability to create your own logo (check out our screenshots to see the Pure Xbox one!). It's very quickly become our F1 Manager mode of choice. Read the full article on
Pure Xbox | Latest UpdatesJul 22
F1 Manager 2024 Review
F1 Manager 2024 ReviewGreat new features like creating your own team deliver a more compelling management sim.
IGN ArticlesJul 22
Review: Nobody Wants To Die (Xbox) - An Immersive Outing That Nails Its Cyberpunk Aesthetic
Review: Nobody Wants To Die (Xbox) - An Immersive Outing That Nails Its Cyberpunk AestheticThe price of eternal life. Nobody Wants to Die has sort of come out of nowhere, hasn't it? The brand-new IP, developed by an entirely new studio, has largely been kept under wraps since its initial announcement earlier this year - and in truth, that had us a bit worried about what we were in for. Well, that worry was needless; Nobody Wants to Die is a great little detective cyberpunk thriller that immerses you from beginning to end - and it's absolutely gorgeous on Xbox to boot. The world of Nobody Wants to Die — set in the year 2329 — revolves around the idea of eternal life and how such a concept would affect a society that lives with that burden. Citizens here effectively switch bodies when issues arise, and that results in some aging inhabitants - one New Yorker has surpassed 300 years old and their birthday is being celebrated like a public holiday. And yet, the picture certainly isn't that rosy for most people in Nobody Wants to Die - the rich are profiteering from body transfers and the poor are living diminished lives as a result. Read the full article on
Pure Xbox | Latest UpdatesJul 22
Journalist Goes Viral With First Impressions Of The Xbox Deadpool Controller
Journalist Goes Viral With First Impressions Of The Xbox Deadpool Controller"A magnetic attachment that easily pops off...". Last week, Xbox unveiled a new Deadpool-inspired controller that attracted a lot of attention due to its booty-shaped rear, and now we've kind of got a first review of it - courtesy of Inverse 's executive editor, Jake Kleinman. Xbox appears to have sent the controller as a gift to Jake, and his first impressions went viral after he revealed that the "booty on the back" is actually a detachable magnet, and it's sadly not as squishy as some might hope! Read the full article on
Pure Xbox | Latest UpdatesJul 22
Dungeons Of Hinterberg Review
Dungeons Of Hinterberg ReviewA magical retreat awaits The post Dungeons Of Hinterberg Review appeared first on WellPlayed .
Reviews Xbox – WellPlayedJul 22
Review: SCHiM Gets Annoying
Review: SCHiM Gets Annoying There are times when the idea behind a game is good, but the nature of it can frustrate you due to constantly finding yourself chasing after someone or something. SCHiM has an interesting concept, as it’s a small creature moving in shadows, but the ease of play, only occasional use of unusual mechanics to get from shadow to shadow, and constant near misses with the person can be a bit annoying. A schim is a frog-like creature that lives in the shadows. People’s shadows. Animals’ shadows. Inanimate objects’ shadows. They’re always there. They can influence their owners as well, causing minor actions. SCHiM starts with a particular one being separated from their human after the person trips. As a result, the rest of the adventure involves chasing after to reunite with them. Image via Ewoud van der Werf and Nils Slijkerman Each level of SCHiM after the introduction involves sending the schim leaping from shadow to shadow after a person who is constantly out of reach. You need to keep an eye on shadows of animate and inanimate objects to find your way. In some cases, you’ll have to press a button to trigger an action and potentially create a new path. Environmental elements, like car headlights along a road at night or a thunderstorm with sudden flashes of light, can force you to think about brief windows of opportunities. So to can occasional shadows with additional elements, like a windsock that will send you on a gust to a location farther away or a clothesline that acts like a spring. Part of what gets annoying about SCHiM is that it feels like it’s designed to be a puzzle and platforming game, but isn’t always good at either. In the case of puzzles, there will be situations where a mechanic will come up once, but then rarely or never used again. (I see you, umbrella on the side of the road!) Which means you can sit there in frustration, as you don’t even know that’s an option to help you proceed. As for platforming, there’s rarely any challenge. Sometimes it is only “difficult” because you need to wait for moving objects to finally appear again to allow you to progress. That, or holding the trigger to show where the “goal” is suddenly suggests it is in a different place after you already progressed to a certain point. There were a few situations during which I almost got through the entire level just by happening to luck out and jump into the shadow of the right person or car, and I’m not quite sure it was supposed to be that easy. Not to mention that while some levels do have collectible items you can find by going off the beaten path, it feels like that opportunity doesn’t happen nearly often enough. However, SCHiM also annoyed me after a while because of its premise. It really hit me once I reached a point when the schim nearly reached their person in a supermarket. It was such a disappointment to see the near misses and know that even if my platforming was perfect , there were still more levels to come and I wouldn’t reunite the two. Since it is also a wordless story and we’re never really connecting with the person, I stopped feeling any sympathy for the schim’s partner due to the constant near-misses. How do you finish a whole pizza, on your own, that quickly? When has a bus ever departed immediately after one particular person got on it? Why didn’t the schim just enter the hotel their person was staying at, when they were definitely stationary and sleeping, and just wait outside their door? Image via Ewoud van der Werf and Nils Slijkerman At least SCHiM looks and plays well. The schim’s leaps cover a decent amount of distance. You also get a second, smaller hop if you don’t immediately leap to another shadow, giving you a “second chance” to reach your next point of interest. Rotating does help with seeing prospective paths. Also, the art direction is simplistic, but both clear and detailed. I like the concept behind SCHiM and the artistic direction, but certain elements of it frustrated me after I got about 30 levels into it. I found myself wishing for more of a challenge or a story that left me less annoyed at the person I was trying to track down. I imagine it’d be more entertaining if played in shorter bursts. But marathoning it might make you feel a bit depressed as you see yourself constantly just miss someone who just won’t sit still . SCHiM will be available on July 18, 2024 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.  The post Review: SCHiM Gets Annoying appeared first on Siliconera .
Xbox One Archives - SiliconeraJul 20