Steam Deck Related News
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15 Best Steam Deck Games
15 Best Steam Deck Games The Steam Deck has been something of a revelation for PC gaming. This powerful device allows you to play your PC games on a portable screen, allowing for an experience more akin to something like the Nintendo Switch. This is all well and good, but some PC games require the pinpoint precision of mouse-and-keyboard input. That's why we're taking a look at the 15 best Steam Deck games, so you know which titles are worth playing on your portable PC device. All of the following games are marked "Steam Deck Verified," meaning you can guarantee a solid experience with these selections. 15. Phasmophobia Image via Kinetic Games/Steam. Hunting ghosts with friends, what could be more fun? Despite still technically being in Early Access, Phasmophobia is arguably the best game in its genre. You're placed on a map, which can be as small as a suburban house or as large as an entire prison, haunted by a ghost. There are 24 different ghost types, each offering up three types of evidence to help you and your friends decipher what they are. You find this evidence using various types of ghost-hunting equipment, from spirit boxes to EMF readers. It's not entirely that simple, as these ghosts will drain your sanity before hunting and killing you. Phasmophobia is a blast, and we recommend playing with friends. 14. Diablo 4 Image via Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard's long-awaited follow-up in its iconic ARPG series was worth the wait. Diablo 4 follows the same general gameplay loop as previous iterations, defeating powerful enemies throughout dungeons while collecting hordes of loot to upgrade your build. While technically an RPG, Diablo 4 's quests and storyline play second fiddle to the game's unique brand of chaotic action. There's nothing quite like melting swarms of demons while finding a rare item that takes the havoc up a notch. Some might recommend a mouse and keyboard for Diablo 4 , but you can definitely do just fine on a Steam Deck. 13. Balatro Image via Playstack Balatro isn't your standard card game. There's almost too much complexity to sum up in a few sentences, but the gist of it is this: it's a roguelike deck-builder where you must score points by playing poker hands against blinds. With these points, you can upgrade your deck and buy joker cards, which affect the game in various ways. It's absurdly addictive and puts an impressive spin on a classic card game. Given the nature of Balatro 's controls, it really doesn't matter whether you play on a regular PC or on a Steam Deck. It plays very well on Valve's portable devices, so if you're looking for a more laid-back Balatro , Steam Deck is the way to go. 12. Portal 2 Screenshot via Valve Portal 2 might be well over a decade old at this point, but it can still kick it with any modern release on the market. With sharp humor, challenging puzzles, and an endlessly replayable co-op mode, Portal 2 remains one of the best video games ever made. Valve gets so much mileage out of one simple concept: you have a portal gun that you can use to open portals around the game world. You must use these portals to solve puzzles throughout each level, most of which are physics-based. Luckily, these puzzles don't require pinpoint mouse precision, which is why this is perfect for chilled-out Steam Deck play. 11. Cyberpunk 2077 Image via CD Projekt Red/Steam. Cyberpunk 2077 had its troubles upon its 2020 release, disappointing almost everyone. In the years since, CD Projekt Red has remained committed to making it the best game it can be via countless patches and the sublime 2023 expansion, Phantom Liberty . At long last, Cyberpunk 2077 is (almost) everything it was hyped up to be, and it runs great on the Steam Deck. With engaging characters, powerful RPG choices, and the staggeringly beautiful open world of Night City, Cyberpunk 2077 is a game you can really sink your teeth into nowadays. 10. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Image via Nicalis If The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth isn't the best roguelike ever, then I don't know what is. Straight from the brain of Super Meat Boy developer Edmund McMillen, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth sees you fight through procedurally-generated dungeons against some of the most terrifyingly-designed monsters you'll ever see in a video game. As you progress, you collect items on each floor. This contributes to your build, but not every item complements one another. This means you're constantly making important choices about what to pick up and what to leave behind. Each run is permadeath, resetting you right to the start if you die while progressing through the floors. Because of the randomized floors and items, it might be one of the most replayable games ever made. 9. Dave the Diver Image via MINTROCKET How many games do you know that can blend the action-adventure and restaurant simulator genres seamlessly? There's not many, let me tell you that much. Dave the Diver is one such title, and it's undoubtedly one of the best games on the Steam Deck. Dave the Diver is split into two gameplay sections. During the day, you dive into the sea, collecting ingredients from the ocean floor while fighting sealife with your harpoon gun. Later in the evening, you use these ingredients to run a sushi restaurant, improving its reputation through good food and service. All of this is complemented by a gorgeous pixel art style, resulting in a game unlike anything you'll have played before. 8. Resident Evil 4 Image via Capcom/Steam. 2023's Resident Evil 4 might be the best remake in the series to date, and that's a high bar to clear. The game sees the return of Leon Kennedy, who is tasked with rescuing the president's daughter, Ashley. You're faced with hordes of the undead throughout your adventure, which tops the 2005 original in just about every way. Its graphics? Stunning. Its controls? Modern. The story? It has a tighter pacing this time around. And that's before we even get to the atmosphere, which is the real star of the show in the Resident Evil 4 remake. It's absolutely dripping with tension, which carries over even on the small screen of the Steam Deck. 7. Skyrim Image via Bethesda/Steam. 13 years after its launch, and there's still nothing that quite evokes the same feelings as Skyrim . It's a classic RPG in every sense of the word, with one of the most detailed open worlds you'll ever explore, even after all this time. Interesting questlines and memorable characters are the tip of the iceberg in Bethesda's magnum opus. On PC, Skyrim modding takes things to another level. Nexus Mods has almost 100,000 mods to download for the game, so the question is: can you mod Skyrim on Steam Deck? Yes! It's a bit more hassle, but it's certainly possible, meaning you can bring Skyrim up to modern standards on your handheld device. 6. RimWorld Image via Ludeon Studios Ludeon Studios' RimWorld is a far deeper game than it seems on the surface. At first glance, it appears to be just another construction and management simulator. Simply put, it isn't. RimWorld gives you numerous starting scenarios, where you must attempt to survive and escape from a procedurally generated planet. To make every playthrough unique, it employs the use of an AI storyteller, which can make decisions on the fly to affect proceedings. You can choose from various storytellers, each of which will change its behavior based on various parameters. Want something intense? Go with Randy Random. Want a more traditional narrative? Cassandra Classic will make that happen. The third is Phoebe Chillax, which offers a more laid-back experience. It's this storyteller feature alone that elevates RimWorld above every other game in the genre. 5. God of War Image via PlayStation 2018's God of War finally arrived on PC in 2022, breaking Santa Monica Studio's masterpiece free from its PS4 restraints. The game tells a powerful story between Kratos and his young son, Atreus, and their journey to spread the ashes of their wife and mother, Faye, at the highest peak in Jötunheim. Its hack-and-slash gameplay is similar to previous God of War games, yet the combat still manages to feel distinctly modern. That's an achievement in itself. Just everything, from the impeccable score from Bear McCreary to the awesome world design, comes together as a full package to make God of War one of the best Steam Deck games. 4. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Image via CD Projekt Red/Steam. How will CD Projekt Red ever top The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ? The culmination of an epic trilogy, this title is an extraordinary RPG, with impactful choices to be made even in the smallest of moments. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt features some of the most well-written side-quests you'll ever see, as well as two fantastic expansions in Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine . For a 2015 release, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt holds up extremely well from both a visual and gameplay perspective. The combat still feels very fluid, which is why it remains one of the best Steam Deck games you can play after almost a decade. 3. Stardew Valley Image via ConcernedApe/Steam. There's a reason life-simulation fans are still returning to Stardew Valley almost nine years after its release. ConcernedApe's game strips the formula back to basics but does everything it attempts just about perfectly. There's farming, fishing, building, mining, socializing, romancing, and even combat - it's a pretty simple life in Stardew Valley . If you enjoy life-simulators, there's a good chance you've already played this game. If you haven't, there's a good chance Stardew Valley will convert you to the genre. 2. Elden Ring Image via FromSoftware Elden Ring is not for the impatient gamers out there. This open-world RPG by FromSoftware will test the limits of your patience, punishing you with sweet, sweet death over and over again. It's a classic Souls-like, defined by nigh-impossible bosses and frustratingly infrequent checkpoints, but with a bigger scale than anything the studio has ever attempted before. The satisfaction from victory in Elden Ring will have you jumping for joy. Given that many would recommend  Elden Ring  with a controller anyway, I feel safe  saying the game works great with the Steam Deck joysticks. Go forth and explore the Lands Between from the comfort of your own couch. 1. Baldur's Gate 3 Image via Larian Studios Top spot was only ever going to Baldur's Gate 3 . Larian's 2023 CRPG is an instant classic. With deep customization, fun combat, brilliant companions, and a gripping narrative, Baldur's Gate 3 is a game we'll all be playing for many years to come. I could wax further lyrical about its epic world, engaging quests, and a staggering level of freedom, but I reckon you get the picture. Baldur's Gate 3 feels made for the Steam Deck in many ways. The turn-based combat lends itself well to the joystick controls, and the slow-paced gameplay in general makes it perfect for kicking back on the couch and playing at your own pace. The post 15 Best Steam Deck Games appeared first on Destructoid .
Steam Archives – DestructoidOct 21
Review: Solid Card-en-Ciel Card Lacks Mega Man Battle Network Charm
Review: Solid Card-en-Ciel Card Lacks Mega Man Battle Network Charm As a developer that often worked on Mega Man games, we often see Inti Creates create original titles that are clearly inspired by them. In the case of Card-en-Ciel, we have a game that has a Mega Man Battle Network approach when it comes to aesthetics and gameplay. However, while it may look familiar and feels inspired by the other title, it lacks its charm of the other series. In a world filled with VR full-dive games that people jump into, there are incidents that require accomplished hackers and detectives to solve. After getting an urgent message from someone working alongside a Rust Tactics VR game development team named Ancie, Neon the Gaming Chair Detective finds himself dealing with corruption and data tied to many different games. There involve abnormalities, bugs, characters from other titles are appearing where they shouldn’t, and Muses are buffing certain enemies with their songs. It’s up to us to work alongside Neon and Ancie to set things right in dungeons based on certain other “games” invading Rust Tactics .  Image via Inti Creates The thing is, Inti Creates isn’t great at telling a story in Card-en-Ciel or making its world appealing, something Capcom excelled at when it came to the Mega Man Battle Network games. When we go through the story dungeons based on full-dive games, each one looks practically identical. The structure of square rooms connected by brief “bridges” gets incredibly repetitive, especially considering the similar Mega Man titles managed to inject so much personality into the “net” we’d visit as MegaMan.EXE. When you enter an area inspired by an in-game series, there are no outward or immediately recognizable distinctions. Just the same blocks. Even the enemies you fight aren’t only drawn from that “title,” as instead Inti Creates pulls from its actual game library and original ones created for Card-en-Ciel .  While this can make the idea of going through Card-en-Ciel dungeons a little boring, I feel the turn-based, deck-building gameplay actually improves upon the Mega Man Battle Network formula. When you’re dealt cards or pick them up after fights and while exploring, you’ll find they either deal HP or break damage to opponents. HP damage wears the enemy down and defeats them. Break damage affects the attack meter, keeping them from being able to take action against you and weakening their defense against HP attacks. Each round, you start with three points, and cards can require between 0-3 points to use. All cards are also used for movement to evade attacks or move so you can target enemies. Icons on each one show if they’ll move Neon up, down, left, or right. So you need to get out of ranged of the telegraphed attack under your feet that happens in X number of turns, you need to play one of your cards to move instead of taking the action shown on it. While those are the three basic uses for cards, there are other factors to consider. Some are yellow. If you see the opponent’s timer counting down to show they are about to attack, you can play that card to counter and take action during that turn. Cards can have additional effects that add buffs, cause clones to appear, create 0-cost cards that deal damage and break damage, ensure cards of the same type get a boost, or affect future turns. There are also Muses to content with as you play Card-en-Ciel . You tend to start with one available when you enter a dungeon, with additional ones found in fights on floors. Once you collect one, you can trigger their buffs in battle by meeting requirements. So you may need to play the same card twice in a row, which means ensuring your deck is stacked with duplicates of a certain type. Another Muse might require you to play a three-cost card or for there to be exactly five cards in your hand after taking an action. Likewise, enemies can have Muses on their sides too, providing them buffs and adding junk cards to your hand that could force movement or affect your deck.  It’s really quite clever, and I loved whenever I’d see a cameo from a returning Inti Creates game character in Card-en-Ciel . For example, Azure Striker Gunvolt and Gal Gun folks are here! But at the same time, since the story isn’t really compelling or well-executed, the cards and enemies based on “original” characters aren’t very appealing. In many cases, it feels like they’re excuses to insert some extra fanservice. But since we don’t know who they are until this title, it rings a bit hollow and doesn’t have the same appeal as it would if it involved actually recognizable people. Though personally, I also found the Muse and Ancie fanservice a bit overdone here. Others might enjoy it! But it was so out of place in the roguelike that it struck me as being more odd than appealing. Image via Inti Creates Once a fight is over, you will see certain options available in the “node” where you fought. You can choose to recover some HP. You can enhance one of the cards in your deck. It is also possible to station one of the characters in the cards you have, removing them from your deck in the process, for buffs. There can also be random events triggered after a fight is done that affects your cards and deck. Not to mention if you avoid fights for too long or make certain choices in those events, your Memory Gauge goes up and inflicts negative effects in fights until you battle enough to reduce it. As Card-en-Ciel is a roguelike, there are elements that put you in a better position for future runs if you win. You can forge Wild Cards, which give you a chance to do better in a pinch during a fight. When recuperating with Ancie after a run, you can put points into determining if rarer cards come up, Neon’s HP goes up, Treasure Chests show up after battle, or other benefits come up. There are also different difficulties to choose from when heading in, which can help with players’ experiences.  Image via Inti Creates Though to be honest, I didn’t get much out of the PvP mode. This feature unlocks after a few runs. It offers a daily dungeon with leaderboards or an opportunity to face others. The daily dungeon is fine, but I got nothing out of the fights against others and would just… rather go through the base dungeons on different difficulties instead.  I enjoyed Inti Creates’ approach to gameplay in Card-en-Ciel and appreciate how it built on the tactical deck-building found in the Mega Man Battle Network series. While it looks similar, it feels like its own thing. That’s great! Unfortunately, the actual story surrounding Neon and Ancie’s adventure is pretty weak and not handled well, and there’s no personality to any of the dungeons we explore. It’s a case where there’s some good gameplay we can sink our teeth into, but the style isn’t quite there even with colorful characters and some fun cameos. It can be entertaining, but lacks Mega Man Battle Network 's charm. Card-en-Ciel will come to the Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC on October 24, 2024 , and a demo is available on the PC via Steam and Switch .  The post Review: Solid Card-en-Ciel Card Lacks Mega Man Battle Network Charm appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 21
The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Will Launch Soon
The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Will Launch Soon Bushiroad will soon launch The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game in Japan. The company has published details on how it will release the new trading card game based on the popular manga and anime franchise. There will be five starter decks available for this new TCG, and each of them will be based on an individual from the Nakano quintuplets—Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki. A deck will cost 1,650 yen (~$10.99). It will include 50 cards for the Main Deck and 10 cards for the Protagonist Deck, along with a playing mat and a manual sheet containing the game's rules. Image courtesy of Bushiroad Bushiroad will also sell booster packs for the new TCG. A single pack containing five cards will cost 440 yen (~$2.93), and a box containing twelve of these packs will be priced at 5,280 yen (~$35.20). A bonus pack containing a single premium card will also come with each box. The booster packs will mostly contain cards featuring the quintuplets from both the manga and anime versions. Some of them will even have the signatures of their respective voice actresses from the anime adaptation. As a reminder, the quintuplets' voice actresses are Kana Hanazawa as Ichika, Ayana Taketatsu as Nino, Miku Ito as Miku, Ayane Sakura as Yotsuba, and Inori Minase as Itsuki. Image via Bushiroad Image via Bushiroad Image via Bushiroad The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game will be available in Japan on October 18, 2024. The post The Quintessential Quintuplets Card Game Will Launch Soon appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 17
Toads of the Bayou unleashes its amphibian tactics on November 19
Toads of the Bayou unleashes its amphibian tactics on November 19 There aren't many games that hit the "I didn't know I needed this" note quite like Toads of the Bayou . The grid-based isometric strategy RPG was previously announced for 2024 before being narrowed down to October, and now the release date has been locked in for a slightly later November 19, 2024 launch on Steam . French studio La Grange is behind development on this one, and it certainly looks charming while ticking off a lot of the expected indie game features . La Grange and publisher Fireshine Games paired the release date announcement with a new trailer. If you like roguelikes, deck-builders, isometric pixel art visuals, tactics, or all of the above, you might want to give it another peek. Beyond the tactical battles, there's also an element of settlement development and management in Toads of the Bayou . While you attempt to take down the vile spirit Baron Samedi — who trapped you and your fellow wandering toads in a cursed bayou — you'll have a chance to establish and expand your home base. Everything from an armory to a witch hut can be put to use, introducing new allies and unlocking new abilities and cards for your deck in the process. As you upgrade your territory, you can set traps for any would-be attackers to get the spring on them. Each of the three main playable toads has different advantages and disadvantages, and they'll have to go up against 10 bosses over the course of the campaign. The concept is on point and the art backs it up beautifully, so I'm ready to hit the swamp and see how well it all works together.  The post Toads of the Bayou unleashes its amphibian tactics on November 19 appeared first on Destructoid .
Steam Archives – DestructoidOct 15
Many Of 2024's Biggest Games Don't Play Well (Or At All) On Steam Deck
Many Of 2024's Biggest Games Don't Play Well (Or At All) On Steam DeckIn February 2025, the Steam Deck will turn three years old . And while plenty of games still run like a dream on the portable PC, it’s clear that over time, more and more big new games are pushing this tiny computer to its breaking point. And it might be time for an upgrade. Read more...
KotakuOct 10
How to Enable Frame Generation on Silent Hill 2 Remake
How to Enable Frame Generation on Silent Hill 2 Remake The new Silent Hill 2 remake is a technically impressive game that has managed to maintain the atmosphere of the original 2001 release on PS2, with the town’s foggy and oppressive environments looking better than ever. Those of us playing on PC are definitely going to want the best experience possible in both fidelity and performance when delving into this new remake. Fortunately, the game supports Frame Generation for those looking to boost their framerate for the best performance possible. How to Enable Frame Generation in Silent Hill 2 Remake Enabling Frame Generation in Silent Hill 2 remake is easy. However, unlike other recent PC titles, the game doesn't include this option in its settings. Instead, people looking to boost their framerate on PC are going to need to tamper a little bit with one ini text file. Don’t worry, the process is not complicated. First of all, you need to the Silent Hill 2 folder that contains the file you’ll have to edit. If you are on Windows PC, the route to the folder will look something like this: "Users[Your Username]\AppData\Local\SilentHill2\Saved\Config\Windows" The file you need to edit is one simply named “Engine.ini.” After locating it, make sure to copy and paste it somewhere safe before you edit it, to make sure you can easily restore it to your default settings. Afterwards, using Notepad you will need to add the following lines at the bottom of the file: [SystemSettings] r.FidelityFX.FI.Enabled=1 As a reference, this is how it looks like on my end: Image by Siliconera Once all of this is done, all you need to do is boot up the game, go to the graphic settings and select FSR 3.0 on the Supersampling option. Note that Frame Generation is not available for any other supersampling option other than FSR and FSR 3.0. So those of you that prefer DLSS will have to give that away in order to get that FPS boost. How to Enable Frame Generation in Silent Hill 2 Remake for Steam Deck If you want to play the new Silent Hill 2 remake on your Steam Deck but you’re worried the lower hardware specs won’t cut it, Frame Generation might help you get that boost you need. Fortunately, Frame Generation is also possible on Valve’s portable device. However, it takes a bit more effort to find the folder where the “Engine.ini” file is located on the Linux based device. As a disclaimer, the lower-end hardware might struggle with the game, especially when it comes to VRAM, so be mindful of that when trying to get Frame Generation for Silent Hill 2 while running the game on the Steam Deck. As for the method, the file and lines you need to add are the same as above. However, the file is in a slightly more convoluted route. You need to make sure that you can see hidden files on your Steam Deck or Linux PC, and then follow this route: ".steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2124490/pfx/drive_c/" From here, it is almost the same as the method for Windows PC, with the following route leading to the Engine.ini file: "users/steamuser/appdata/local/SilentHill2/Saved/Config/Windows" After editing the file the same way as described above you can select FSR or FSR 3.0 as your Supersampling options and enjoy the game on the go or on your home computer. Silent Hill 2 is readily available for PC and PlayStation 5. The post How to Enable Frame Generation on Silent Hill 2 Remake appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 8
Door Kickers 2 dev issues a new update on 1.0 progress, and it’s good news
Door Kickers 2 dev issues a new update on 1.0 progress, and it’s good news Whereas Anger Foot might've cornered one sub-sub- sub -genre of door-kicking games, the venerable Early Access hit Door Kickers 2: Task Force North is going in a wholly different direction. While the developer KillHouse Games might not have had an update in a year, a new blog claims 1.0 is coming still. Door Kickers 2 is a known quantity in the turn-based/timeline-based tactical gaming circles. Already enjoying some stellar reviews even in its Early Access form, Task Force North hadn't received any meaningful content updates in about a year now, which might've eaten away at some fans' goodwill. Thankfully, KillHouse Games' delightful new blog post on Steam claims not only that the development is progressing well, but also that Door Kickers 2 will "feel like a new game once released." Image via KillHouse Games Door Kickers 2 1.0 is going to be loaded with content, Steam Deck support confirmed According to KillHouse Games, Door Kickers 2 is due to launch from Early Access in the relatively near future: "We can't commit in advance to a certain release date - quality is paramount so it will be done when it will be done," says the studio's latest blog post, adding that "we're definitely not far now!" The reason why we haven't had a meaningful content update in so long makes sense, too: "We [reckoned] it would be more efficient to have one release instead of countless cycles of building, testing, announcements, bug fixing, and so on." While I'm not all that good at Door Kickers , I have spent a whole lot of time playing the original title and the Early Access sequel already. I can personally vouch for the game's quality, and even if you somehow manage to burn through Door Kickers 2 's content in a short time, there's over 7,500 maps available on the Steam Workshop. To say nothing of other similar titles, such as No Plan B . I'm bringing this up because we're still almost certainly months away from the 1.0 release: KillHouse Games hasn't mentioned that the game is coming out in 2024, so early 2025 at the earliest is a safe bet. If you're intrigued by the prospect of Task Force North , it's still worth jumping in while Early Access is up. On the flip side, the 1.0 build of the game is bringing with it a truly impressive roster of goodness: 6 total Campaigns 2 Tours of Duty: procedurally-generated campaigns 4 Operations: hand-crafted narrative campaigns Doctrine progression system Unique Battle Honor gear unlocks (exotic firearms, etc.) At least 90 one-off Single Missions 5 different enemy Factions Full modding support (no longer limited to maps only, will support weapons, units, etc.) Native Mac support Custom Steam Deck control scheme, touchscreen support, and more Over 80 Steam achievements New music New gear, weapons, tweaks, etc. KillHouse Games claims that "the new content is mostly finished, what remains is mostly tweaks, recording new voices and translating the game to other languages," which certainly tracks with the studio's belief that the 1.0 release isn't too far in the future. The post Door Kickers 2 dev issues a new update on 1.0 progress, and it’s good news appeared first on Destructoid .
Steam Archives – DestructoidOct 8
Amazon Prime Day Sale Adds Switch, Steam Deck MicroSD Deals
Amazon Prime Day Sale Adds Switch, Steam Deck MicroSD Deals The Amazon Prime Day sale kicked off on October 8, 2024, and there are now deals on the types of microSD cards compatible with the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck. Ones from both Samsung and SanDisk are part of the promotion. There are also Lexar Play models on sale. Both the Samsung and SanDisk microSD card sales on Amazon are specifically listed as “Prime Big Deal” offers for the day. While three of the Lexar ones are reduced, they don’t have that indicator on the page. So while some may only be for Prime subscribers, others can be purchased by anyone. Here’s the list of all the deals available. Note that while there are certain sizes that are reduced, the others are still full price. 128 GB Lexar Play microSDXC - $14.99 instead of $17.49. 128 GB Samsung Pro Plus microSDXC - $12.99 instead of $25.99. 128 GB SanDisk Extreme microSDXC - $14.99 instead of $20.99. 128 GB SanDisk Ultra microSDXC - $12.99 instead of $18.99. 256 GB Samsung Pro Plus microSDXC - $22.99 instead of $39.99. 256 GB SanDisk Extreme microSDXC - $21.49 instead of $27.99. 256 GB SanDisk Ultra microSDXC - $18.99 instead of $25.99. 512 GB Lexar Play microSDXC - $39.99 instead of $49.99. 512 GB Samsung Pro Plus microSDXC - $39.99 instead of $75.99. 512 GB SanDisk Extreme microSDXC - $36.25 instead of $42.70. 512 GB SanDisk Ultra microSDXC - $31.99 instead of $38.98. 1 TB Lexar Play microSDXC - $74.99 instead of $129.99. 1 TB Samsung Pro Plus microSDXC - $109.99 instead of $119.99 1 TB SanDisk Extreme microSDXC - $78.69 instead of $92.99. 1.5 TB SanDisk Ultra microSDXC - $89.29 instead of $149.99. As a reminder, there are some microSD card size limits for the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck. Nintendo established it can only handle up to 2GB microSD or microSDXC. It’s also presumed that’s the limit for the Steam Deck, since that’s the size limit on microSDXC in general.  Amazon Prime Day runs October 8-9, 2024, and various microSD cards that can be used with the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck are reduced as part of it. The post Amazon Prime Day Sale Adds Switch, Steam Deck MicroSD Deals appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 8
The Best Final Fantasy XIV Merch to Check Out Now
The Best Final Fantasy XIV Merch to Check Out Now Final Fantasy XIV is a great game, and it's filled to the brim with cool sights and sounds. It's little wonder that it has proven to be a veritable gold mine for cool merch. The latest expansion Dawntrail released a little while ago and brought a whole new wave of goods with it. There is a lot to choose from, and we're here to help you out with that. Here is some of the best Final Fantasy XIV merch to check out now. Da wntrail: Final Fantasy XIV Original Soundtrack Due to ship in November 2024, the Dawntrail soundtrack features 66 tracks from the latest expansion to Final Fantasy XIV . Masayoshi Soken's compositions have been one of the most reliably great things about Final Fantasy XIV , and he hasn't broken his streak here. As an added bonus, you'll get a code for a Wind-Up Zero minion with it. You can never go wrong adding any of the Final Fantasy XIV soundtrack sets to your shelf. Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Collector' s Box If you don't mind splurging a little, the Dawntrail Collector's Box features some of the best Final Fantasy XIV merch to check out now. While it doesn't include the expansion itself, you get a bunch of cool swag in here. Inside the shiny box you'll find a high-quality Viper figure, a gorgeous cloth world map, an Unending Journey notebook, and a roll-up pen case. It's the perfect real-world accompaniment to your digital purchase of the Dawntrail expansion. Final Fantasy XIV Playing Cards - Loporrit Loporrit is adorable. This is not something up for argument or debate. With this in mind, any Loporrit merch is going to be some of the best Final Fantasy XIV merch to check out. If you want to extend that aura to your playing cards, this is the item for you. Each card in this deck has Lopporit-themed art on it, and the cards come in a nice book-shaped storage case. Imagine the high-fives you'll get when you whip these out at your next poker night! Final Fantasy XIV Fluffy Slippers - Moogl e /Namaz u Sooner or later, everyone realizes that they need a nice pair of slippers. It's a little treat to yourself. If you want to make that treat extra fancy, you'll want those slippers to be fluffy. It just feels good on the feet. What if I told you that you can get those fluffy slippers and show your love for Final Fantasy at the same time? All you have to do is grab a pair of these slippers, which come in both Moogle and Namazu varieties. Pick up both and enjoy a double -fancy luxury for your hard-working soles. Encyclopaedia Eorzea - The World of Final Fantasy XIV One must never underestimate the value of a good education. Sometimes it's music time, sometimes it's fluffy slipper time, but sometimes it's reading time. Might I recommend these three lovely tomes? Each page is positively slathered with information about Final Fantasy XIV and Eorzea. You'll be an instant expert, and perhaps even become the life of some very specific parties. If nothing else, having these on the shelf shows that you aren't just playing video games all the time. No, you also read about video games. Take that , imaginary person judging me. The post The Best Final Fantasy XIV Merch to Check Out Now appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 4
Kingdom Hearts Skateboard Decks Feature Sora and Roxas
Kingdom Hearts Skateboard Decks Feature Sora and Roxas Square Enix will release two Kingdom Hearts skateboard decks that feature Sora and Roxas on them. Each deck costs 29,700 yen (or approximately $203.17), and they are available for pre-order from the Square Enix online e-Store . They will be releasing in Japan on January 11, 2025. The worldwide storefronts haven't shared listings for either one yet. The Sora and Roxas designs featured in the decks are based on the characters’ official key art from their appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2 . However, the hair and part of the clothes are made of keywords and iconic lines from each character. The characters are featured on the lower part of the deck, while the upper side has a predominantly black tribal design with white accents for Sora’s deck and the opposite color scheme for Roxas’ deck inspired by the Nobody enemies. You can check out the new Kingdom Hearts skateboard decks featuring Sora and Roxas here: Image via Square Enix Image via Square Enix Image via Square Enix In other related news, as the Halloween season approaches the Kingdom Hearts series will receive its own line of merchandise inspired by the world of Halloween Town. The new merchandise will appear at a pop-up store in Shibuya between October 2 and October 14, 2024. The new Kingdom Hearts skateboard decks costs 29,700 yen (~$203.17) each. They will release in Japan on January 11, 2025, and they are now available to pre-order from the Square Enix e-Store. The post Kingdom Hearts Skateboard Decks Feature Sora and Roxas appeared first on Siliconera .
SiliconeraOct 2