Destiny 2: Titan Top Hat and the Great Hunter Set Debate


  • The ongoing debate among Destiny 2 players about the Hunter sets, specifically whether the evil Hunter cloak should be included in the good Hunter set, has sparked passionate discussions and divided the community.
  • Possible solutions include keeping the sets separate to allow players to embrace their chosen alignment, merging the two sets together for a unique and customizable look, or introducing a third option that combines elements from both sets to provide more freedom for players to express their individuality.
  • Ultimately, the decision lies with Bungie, and Destiny 2 players eagerly await a resolution that will make everyone happy, allowing Hunters to proudly wear their chosen attire, regardless of alignment.

In the vast world of Destiny 2, there is an ongoing debate among players about the Hunter sets. The question at hand is whether Bungie should put the evil Hunter cloak on the good Hunter set. It's a topic that has sparked passionate discussions and divided the community. In this article, we will explore the possible solutions and seek a compromise that will satisfy everyone's desires.


One potential solution is to keep the sets separate. This would allow players to fully embrace their chosen alignment and showcase their style accordingly. The evil Hunter cloak could remain exclusive to the evil set, while the good set maintains its own unique identity. However, this approach may leave some players feeling left out or disappointed if they prefer certain pieces from one set but not the other. It's a delicate balance to maintain.

Another approach is to merge the two sets together, combining the evil Hunter cloak with the good Hunter set. This would create a truly unique and customizable look that could please both sides of the debate. Imagine the duality and ambiguity of a Hunter clad in both good and evil attire. It would be a fashion statement that embodies the complexity of the Destiny 2 universe. This solution has the potential to satisfy everyone's desire for a balanced mix of good and evil.

Alternatively, Bungie could introduce a third option that combines elements from both the evil and good sets. This would give players even more freedom to express their individuality and create a truly unique Hunter look. By offering a compromise for those who can't decide between the two existing sets, Bungie would open up a world of possibilities for players to craft their own personal style. It would add a new layer of depth to the game and provide an exciting challenge for fashion-forward Guardians.

Ultimately, the decision lies in the hands of Bungie. They have the power to bring harmony to the Hunter fashion world by considering these possible solutions. Whether they choose to keep the sets separate, combine them, or introduce a third option, one thing is for certain: Destiny 2 players are eagerly awaiting a resolution that will make everyone happy. So, let's keep our eyes peeled for any updates from Bungie and hope for a future where Hunters can proudly wear their chosen attire, regardless of alignment.

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