Lost in the vast universe of Destiny 2, a confused newbie seeks guidance on how to navigate the overwhelming amount of content and make the most of their experience without missing out on key content. Fear not, Guardian! We've got you covered with some expert tips to help you on your journey.
First and foremost, YouTube is your best friend when it comes to learning the ropes of Destiny 2. There are countless videos available that provide step-by-step guidance on everything from game mechanics to storylines and seasonal content. These videos can be a valuable resource for new players, offering visual demonstrations and explanations that make it easier to understand the intricacies of the game.
Speaking of seasonal content, each season in Destiny 2 typically features two main activities tied to a questline. These quests take you through the seasonal stories and offer unique rewards along the way. If you own the seasons from this year through the Humble Bundle acquisition, you can follow their quests to completion and experience their stories. However, if you're keen on following the story sequentially, it's advisable to avoid doing the seasonal content first.
To truly immerse yourself in the rich lore of Destiny 2, it's important to play through the major expansions in the correct order. Start with Shadowkeep, which takes you to the hauntingly beautiful moon. From there, venture to Europa in Beyond Light, where you'll face new challenges and uncover the secrets of the icy moon. The Witch Queen expansion will see you journey to Mars and the enigmatic Throne World, while the final expansion, Lightfall, will take you to the mysterious depths of Neptune. Keep in mind that you may be automatically loaded into some of these missions when you first open the game, but you can always return to orbit and revisit them at your own pace.
Unfortunately, not all of the main story content is available in the game anymore, as some of it has been vaulted over time. Fear not, though! To catch up on any missed information, you can rely on YouTube videos or online resources that provide synopses and cinematics of the old content. This way, you won't miss out on any crucial story details.
In conclusion, while Destiny 2 may initially seem overwhelming, there are plenty of resources available to help you navigate the game's content and make the most of your experience. From YouTube videos to playing through the major expansions in the correct order, you'll be well on your way to becoming a seasoned Guardian. So gear up, embrace the adventure, and may the Light guide you on your journey!
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