foundry destiny 2: Unleash the Arsenal of Destiny 2's Quirkiest Weapon Makers!


  • This ultimate guide to Legendaries and Exotics by Foundry is a treasure trove of information for Destiny 2 players who crave a challenge and love wielding weapons from specific foundries.
  • The comprehensive list features an assortment of weapons from various foundries, each with its own unique characteristics and perks, ensuring there's a weapon to suit every Guardian's playstyle.
  • While there may be a few errors or inconsistencies in the list, diligent players have already pointed them out, and future updates will rectify these issues to provide a comprehensive and accurate resource for all Guardians.

Destiny 2 players who crave a challenge and have a penchant for wielding weapons from specific foundries will find this ultimate guide to Legendaries and Exotics by Foundry an absolute treasure trove of information. If you're the type of Guardian who thrives on Unnecessarily Difficult Challenges (and let's be real, who doesn't?), then look no further. This comprehensive list is your ticket to discovering the hidden gems within each foundry.


But before we delve into the list, it's worth mentioning that some foundries, like Cassoid, Daito, and Nadir, have drawn inspiration from their Destiny 1 counterparts, resulting in some peculiar naming conventions. So don't be caught off guard if you stumble upon a few oddities along the way.

Now, let's get down to business. Brace yourself for an assortment of weapons from various foundries, each boasting its own unique characteristics and perks. From the sleek and lethal Omolon arsenal to the rugged and dependable Cassoid armaments, there's a weapon to suit every Guardian's playstyle.

However, it's important to acknowledge that there might be a few errors or inconsistencies within the list. Fear not, though, as diligent players have already pointed out some of these discrepancies, and they will be rectified in future updates. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive and accurate resource, ensuring clarity for all Guardians.

Now, let's address some community concerns. The "Vanguard Issue" section has raised a few eyebrows, possibly due to its peculiar naming. It seems that most of these weapons actually fall under the category of "Field-Forged," referring to handmade, improvised, or salvaged weaponry. Additionally, there are a handful of exceptional weapons, such as Honor's Edge, Truth, Gjallarhorn, and Dragon's Breath, which belong to the esteemed Crux & Lomar foundry, renowned for their Exotic rocket launchers. And let's not forget Duality, Crow's custom shotgun, which deserves a special mention due to its "Modified Shotgun" lore tab.

Moving on, there has been some debate surrounding the classification of MIDA weapons as Cassoid, given their lore. While opinions may differ on this matter, it's understandable why these weapons have been included in the Cassoid category, considering their association in the game.

Lastly, let's talk bows. The categorization of Cassoid bows appears to be primarily based on whether they are compound bows or not, which is a...[TO BE CONTINUED]

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