Lost in the terrifying world of Resident Evil 2 Remake? Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the darkness and help you navigate the game with ease. In this thrilling remake, progress is all about exploration and problem-solving, so get ready to embark on a heart-pounding journey.
When you find yourself lost, the key to finding your way is to search everywhere. Pay close attention to rooms that appear red on your map, as these are the rooms that haven't been fully explored yet. Make it your mission to investigate each of these rooms thoroughly, uncovering hidden items and interactables that may hold the key to your survival.
As you make your way to the ominous police station, you'll encounter a pivotal interaction where you acquire a crucial notebook. This notebook is your ticket to "getting underground" and holds the secrets to unlocking the puzzles and item-finding quests that lie ahead. Prepare yourself for a challenging adventure as you meticulously search through half of the police station, room by room. Take note of every item you find and keep an eye out for codes or puzzles, as clues can be found in the environment or scattered in letters and memos.
Throughout your journey, you may come across objects that you can't take but appear to be interactable. Remember these objects for later, as acquiring new items may hold the key to unlocking their potential. And don't forget to examine every item you find, as some unique objects only reveal their significance through closer inspection.
To aid your exploration, constantly refer to your map. It will guide you by highlighting areas that you haven't explored yet. Additionally, regularly check your inventory and item box for "key items" that will help you progress. These key items can range from keys to unusual objects like gems or batteries. Sometimes, inspecting these items from different angles or interacting with them in specific ways will unlock their secrets.
If you ever find yourself stuck, seek refuge in a safe room. Take a moment to assess your map and inventory, carefully considering your next move. Remember, the joy of the game lies in the challenge of figuring out what to do next, so embrace the obstacles and relish in the satisfaction of overcoming them.
Now, with your current objective of "getting underground," I believe I know exactly where you are in the game. You should have already come across a notebook that provides clues on how to unlock three medals. Each of these medals is hidden behind a simple puzzle. Consult the notebook for assistance, and if you need an example, the first medal can be found at the top of the stairs in the main hall of the RPD.
So, fellow survivor, prepare yourself for a thrilling adventure. Explore every nook and cranny, read files for hints, and inspect key items. Remember to be patient, as backtracking is inevitable in the treacherous world of Resident Evil 2 Remake. With these tips and advice, you'll be ready to conquer the horrors that await you. Good luck!
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