Attention Destiny 2 players! Are you torn between the Epic Games launcher and Steam? We have some important news for you that will help you make an informed decision.
If you're playing Destiny 2 through the Epic Games launcher and stumble upon a tempting DLC sale on Steam, you might wonder if you can purchase and play the DLC through Epic. Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding no. The DLC content is platform-locked, which means that you can only access it on the platform you purchased it from. So, if you succumb to the allure of discounted DLC on Steam, you'll only be able to enjoy its content if you play through Steam. Epic Games has no obligation to honor a purchase made from Valve.
It's crucial to understand that this platform restriction applies not only to existing DLC but also to all future DLC. So, if you're planning to expand your Destiny 2 experience with additional content, you'll have to purchase it exclusively through the Epic Games launcher. The DLC is not shared cross-platform, meaning you won't be able to access it if you switch between Epic and Steam.
However, there is a glimmer of hope for cross-platform play in the form of seasons. While DLC remains platform-locked, the seasons in Destiny 2 are an exception. They are cross-platform, allowing you to enjoy the seasonal content regardless of whether you're playing through Epic or Steam. So, if you're craving new challenges and rewards, the seasons are the way to go.
To summarize, if you're eager to delve into Destiny 2 DLC, you'll need to stick to the platform you purchased it from. Epic Games and Steam do not cooperate when it comes to sharing DLC content. But fear not, as the seasons offer a bit of cross-platform joy to keep you entertained. Happy gaming, Guardian!
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