Destiny 2 Raids: Conquer Your Anxiety and Raid Like a Pro


  • Join a Sherpa group for a more relaxed and supportive raiding experience, where failures are seen as part of the learning process and toxic behavior is not tolerated.
  • Embrace the opportunity to communicate with others in raids, as they are just voices in your ears, and you might make new friends and have a blast exploring new parts of the game.
  • Seek out non-toxic, laid-back raiding communities through LFG posts with tags like "chill" or "can teach," where you can set your terms and find supportive teammates who are willing to help you grow as a player.

Are you anxious about talking to people during Destiny 2 raids? Don't worry, we've got some recommendations for you!


One solution is to join a Sherpa group. These groups are specifically designed for players who are new to raids or want a more relaxed experience. When joining a Sherpa group, it's important to be upfront about your knowledge and comfort level. The great thing about Sherpa groups is that they understand that failures are part of the learning process. You won't be judged or yelled at for making mistakes. If, however, you encounter a toxic group, don't hesitate to leave and find a more positive environment. Remember, the goal is to have fun and enjoy the game, so don't let negative experiences bring you down.

If your anxiety stems from the fear of talking to people, remember that you'll never meet them in real life. They are just voices in your ears, and you can be yourself (as long as you're not a jerk!). Embrace the opportunity to ask questions, be curious, and step outside your comfort zone. The worst that can happen is encountering a jerk, but you can easily block them. On the flip side, you might make new friends and have a blast exploring new parts of the game. So, take a deep breath and dive into the world of communication. You'll be surprised at how rewarding it can be.

Another option is to seek out non-toxic, laid-back raiding communities. Look for LFG (Looking for Group) posts with tags like "chill" or "can teach." These groups tend to be more relaxed and welcoming to players of all skill levels. By setting your terms in the LFG posts and being upfront about your knowledge and skill level, you'll find supportive teammates who are willing to teach and guide you through the raids. These communities understand that everyone starts somewhere, and they are more than happy to help you grow as a player.

If you're not comfortable using a microphone, don't worry. Many raid groups are fine with text chat communication. As long as you can hear the rest of the group, you can participate and contribute without having to speak. This can be a great option for those with social anxiety who still want to enjoy the raiding experience. So, don't let the fear of speaking hold you back. Embrace the text chat and let your skills shine.

Lastly, consider joining a clan or community specifically focused on teaching and supporting players like you. These groups understand the challenges and anxieties that come with raiding and can provide a safe and friendly environment to learn and grow. You'll find like-minded individuals who will help you become a raiding machine in no time. Don't be afraid to explore different options until you find the perfect fit for you. Remember, the key is to find a supportive and inclusive community that aligns with your playstyle and comfort level.

So, don't let anxiety hold you back from enjoying Destiny 2 raids to their fullest. With these recommendations, you'll be able to overcome your fears and find a welcoming community that will make your raiding experience a memorable one. Embrace the challenges, make new friends, and have a blast exploring the wonders of Destiny 2.

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