Destiny 2: Navigating the Youtuber Dilemma - Trust Your Instincts, Guardian!


  • Destiny Youtubers may offer valuable insights, but their views are subjective and may not align with your own playstyle or preferences.
  • Don't be discouraged by negative reviews of weapons - experiment and find what works best for you.
  • Seek advice from a variety of sources and engage with the vibrant Destiny community to make more informed decisions.

Destiny, the beloved online multiplayer game, boasts a thriving community of content creators on YouTube who claim to possess all the secrets and strategies you need to dominate the game. But should you really place your trust in these self-proclaimed "Destiny Youtubers"? Let's delve into the comments and uncover the truth!


One player, known as Aegis, admits, "I've been following Aegis recently. Apparently, all of my favorite weapons are nothing but hot garbage, which would actually explain a few things. =/"

It seems that Aegis is beginning to question their own weapon choices after absorbing information from these Destiny Youtubers. However, fear not, Aegis! Let's explore the various solutions to this predicament.

First and foremost, it is crucial to remember that Destiny Youtubers are not the ultimate authority on the game. While they may offer valuable insights and opinions, their views are subjective and may not align with your own playstyle or preferences. Therefore, take their advice with a pinch of salt and trust your own instincts when it comes to selecting weapons and gear.

Secondly, do not be afraid to experiment and test out different weapons for yourself. Just because a Youtuber claims that a particular weapon is "hot garbage," it does not mean that it won't excel in your hands. Destiny is all about discovering that perfect weapon that complements your unique playstyle, so do not allow negative reviews to discourage you.

Additionally, it is worth noting that Destiny Youtubers often focus on the latest and most sought-after weapons, which may result in a bias against older or less popular options. Remember that the game is in a constant state of evolution, and what may be considered "meta" today may not hold true tomorrow. Therefore, do not hesitate to embrace the underdogs and unearth hidden gems that others may overlook.

Lastly, seek advice and opinions from a variety of sources. Do not solely rely on one Youtuber's viewpoint. Engage with the vibrant Destiny community, participate in forums, and discuss strategies with fellow players. By doing so, you will gain a broader perspective on the game and make more informed decisions.

In conclusion, while Destiny Youtubers can provide entertainment and useful information, it is crucial to approach their advice with a critical mindset. Trust your own judgment, experiment with different weapons, and seek opinions from multiple sources. After all, the destiny of your gameplay lies in your hands, Guardian! __

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