Welcome back, Guardian! It's time to dive back into the thrilling world of Destiny 2 after your Forsaken hiatus. But wait, you've got a couple of burning questions on your mind: how can you remove that old Warmind transmat effect from your ship, and is there any way to increase the light level on your trusty rocket launcher and bow? Well, fear not, for I have the answers you seek!
Let's start with that pesky transmat effect. In the revamped world of Destiny 2, transmat effects are now customizable and can be switched out for different ones. However, if you're looking to completely remove a specific transmat effect, I'm sorry to say that there's no direct way to do so. The only option available is to replace it with a different effect. So, if you're tired of the Warmind vibes and crave something fresh, head over to the Eververse store. There, you'll find a plethora of enticing transmat effects just waiting to adorn your ship. It's time to spruce up your vessel and make a statement!
Now, let's tackle the issue of increasing the light level on your beloved rocket launcher and bow. Here's the scoop: if you spot a grey icon in the corner of an item, it means that it has been sunset. This unfortunate fate signifies that the item has reached its maximum power level and can no longer be infused. So, regrettably, there's no way to push the light level beyond 1600 on your old weapons. They have served you well, but it's time to bid them farewell and embrace the new gear that awaits you. Pay a visit to Banshee-44, the resident gunsmith, and explore the exciting arsenal he has in store. It's time to upgrade your firepower and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. Good luck, Guardian!
In conclusion, while you can't remove a specific transmat effect, you can replace it with a fresh one from the Eververse store. As for your rocket launcher and bow, if they've been sunset, their light level cannot be increased beyond 1600. It's time to part ways with these trusty companions and seek out new, more powerful weapons from Banshee-44. Destiny 2 is ever-evolving, and it's up to you to adapt and conquer the challenges that await. May the Light guide you, Guardian!
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