Destiny 2 Forums: How to Make Your Voice Heard and Get Chromatic Fire to Work with Kinetic Weapons


  • Chromatic Fire may not work with Stasis and Strand weapons, but it still pairs perfectly with any subclass, allowing for glorious chromatic effects in Destiny.
  • While there may not be a direct channel for suggestions, players can reach out to Bungie through social media and the Destiny community to make their voices heard.
  • Dream big and think outside the box when suggesting ideas to Bungie, as you never know when your suggestion might just make it into the game and bring joy to Guardians everywhere.

Are you desperately hoping to use Chromatic Fire with Stasis and Strand weapons in the top weapon slot? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but unfortunately, Chromatic Fire only works with Kinetic weapons. Stasis and Strand weapons, being of different elements, just won't cut it. However, don't despair just yet! While Chromatic Fire may not be compatible with these weapons, fear not, for Stasis and Strand subclasses do work with Chromatic Fire, just like any other subclass. So, it's not about the weapon slot, but rather the weapon element. Kinetic weapons have no element, which is why they are able to harness the glorious chromatic effect.


But hey, don't let that discourage you from dreaming big! It never hurts to make suggestions to Bungie, the masterminds behind Destiny. Who knows, they might just take your idea and run with it! So, why not suggest to Bungie that Chromatic Fire should work with Kinetic weapons and subclass matching elemental weapons? Imagine the possibilities! Maybe they could even make it work on all weapon kills, without requiring those pesky precision kills, so it can be used with any weapon type. The sky's the limit, my friend!

Now, let's talk about the best ways to get your suggestion directly to Bungie. Unfortunately, most game studios, with the exception of small indie developers, don't have direct channels for feedback or suggestions. However, fear not! Bungie does keep an eye on the Destiny community and their Social Media accounts, so if you want a shot at making your voice heard, those would be the two places to go. Hop on over to r/DestinyTheGame and start a discussion or reach out to Bungie through their Social Media platforms.

If you're feeling particularly adventurous and want to go the extra mile, you could even consider heading to Bungie's offices in person. Picture this: you standing outside their hallowed halls, holding up a boom box playing the iconic D1 orbit music, rain pouring down, and you, with determination in your eyes, making your plea. Who knows, maybe that grand gesture will catch their attention and they'll listen to your request. No guarantees, of course, but hey, sometimes you have to think outside the box!

While there may not be a foolproof way to directly ask Bungie to add something to the game, it's always worth giving it a shot through various channels. You never know, your suggestion might just make it into the game and bring joy to Guardians everywhere. So, don't be afraid to dream big, make your voice heard, and who knows, maybe one day Chromatic Fire will light up the world of Destiny in ways we never thought possible!

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