Destiny 2 Constellation Wish: Unlocking Patterns and Unleashing Loot in Starcrossed Mission


  • Discover the hidden treasures in Destiny 2's Starcrossed mission by extracting the Deepsight Resonance and unlocking chests filled with valuable rewards.
  • Activate the Deep Sight and witness the magic as previously inaccessible chests reveal their secrets, leaving you feeling like the coolest Guardian in the galaxy.
  • Armed with the knowledge of the Wish Keeper's pattern, embrace the challenge and adventure of the Starcrossed mission, and may your inventory overflow with epic treasures.

Returning to Destiny 2 and eager to uncover all the hidden treasures in the Starcrossed mission? Look no further, fellow Guardian, for I am here to illuminate the path to obtaining the elusive pattern from the Wish Keeper. Brace yourself for an adventure filled with mystery and rewards!


To begin your quest, inspect your weapon and keep an eye out for a red border around the inventory icon. This indicates that you are on the right track. Now, direct your attention to the bottom of the weapon screen, where you will find a third box alongside the infusion and mod slots. Within this box lies the key to unlocking the pattern: the option to extract the Deepsight Resonance from your weapon. Prepare to witness the magic unfold!

By successfully extracting the Deepsight Resonance, you will unlock the pattern required to access the chests and constellations that have eluded you thus far. Picture it as finding the key to a treasure trove, except in this case, the key is a pattern, and the treasure trove is a collection of enticing loot chests. The thrill of discovery awaits!

Once the Deepsight Resonance has been extracted, activate the Deep Sight and marvel as the previously inaccessible chests reveal their secrets. Think of it as possessing a secret decoder ring, but instead of deciphering hidden messages, you are unlocking chests brimming with valuable rewards. It's an experience that will leave you feeling like the coolest Guardian in the galaxy!

Armed with this newfound knowledge, my fellow Guardian, you are now equipped to conquer the Starcrossed mission and claim its bountiful spoils. May the loot gods smile upon you as you venture forth, and may your inventory overflow with epic treasures. Embrace the challenge, embrace the adventure, and may your path be illuminated by the brilliance of the Wish Keeper's pattern. Happy hunting!

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