Matchmaking Taking Forever in Apex Legends? Try These Solutions!


  • Many Apex players are experiencing long matchmaking times, even after restarting the game and switching servers.
  • Potential solutions to Apex matchmaking issues include disconnecting and reconnecting from the internet, playing during off-peak hours, and checking the status of the game's servers.
  • Players can also try playing on a different platform or device if the issue is specific to a certain device or platform.

If you're an Apex player who's been experiencing matchmaking issues, you're not alone. Many players have reported that matchmaking is taking an inordinately long time, even after restarting the game and switching servers. While this issue can be frustrating, there are several potential solutions that you can try.

One possible solution is to disconnect from the internet and then reconnect. This can help reset the matchmaking system and potentially speed up the process. Another solution is to try playing during off-peak hours when there are fewer players online. This can reduce the competition for matches and potentially result in faster matchmaking times.

It's also worth checking the status of the game's servers to make sure there are no issues or outages that could be causing the matchmaking delays. If there are, the game's developers may be working to resolve the issue and it may be worth waiting for an update before trying to play again.

Finally, it may be helpful to try playing on a different platform or device. If the issue is specific to a certain device or platform, switching to a different one may solve the problem.

In conclusion, while matchmaking issues in Apex can be frustrating, there are several potential solutions that you can try. Disconnecting and reconnecting from the internet, playing during off-peak hours, checking the status of the game's servers, and trying a different platform or device are all worth considering if you're experiencing matchmaking issues in Apex.

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