SR2 Normandy From Mass Effect 3

I also used an additional 2 M-class components.<br>DY-1501 Mu Grav Drive ×1<br>Zeus 4070-M Shield Generator ×2<br><br>Mods: <br>Flight Camera Fix - CCR<br>M Class Modules and Ship Builder Unlock-<br>No Engine Power Limits<br>No Minimum Landing Gear<br>No Reactor Class Requirement-<br>No Reactor Limit<br>No Shield Limit<br>No Weapon Power or Count Limits SFSE<br>Ship Builder Tolerance Tweaks-<br>Console Command Runner-<br>Ship Size Limit - CCR<br>Shipyards Unlocked<br>Starfield Script Extender (SFSE)

Ship Stats

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Layout Plan

Module Information

Parts that can be purchased from sentinel airfields, or from most ship merchants

Manufacturer-Specific Ship Part

The Ship Parts are limited in accessibility, and some can only be found at specific shops affiliated with a manufacturer.


Narion-Volii Alpha-Neon Core-Stroud-Eklund Showroom

Other Requirements

LvL.Unlock51Starship Design4
Piloting4Console requirementsNo
Mod RequirementsYes

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