Resident Evil 3 Remake: Nemesis Flamethrower Glitches? Fear Not! Here Are Some Fiery Solutions!


  • Nemesis in the RE3 Remake may experience glitchy behavior, but fear not, there are solutions to get him back in action.
  • Waiting for Nemesis to install updates, standing your ground, or catching his attention with shooting stars are all possible solutions to fix his glitchy behavior.
  • Glitches happen, even to the most menacing bioweapons, so stay patient, keep trying different approaches, and eventually, you'll have Nemesis back on track in the game.

Uh-oh, it seems like someone got a little too trigger-happy with Nemesis in the RE3 Remake! If you're experiencing some glitchy behavior from this relentless bioweapon, fear not! We've got a few possible solutions for you to try and get Nemesis back in action.


Solution 1: Waiting for Nemesis to Install Updates

Just like any modern technology, even Nemesis needs his software updates. If you find him suddenly frozen in place or unresponsive, it's possible that he's in the process of installing updates. Maybe he's downloading the latest menacing algorithms or perfecting his menacingly standing pose. So, take a breather, grab a snack, and give him some time to finish his installation. When you return, hopefully, Nemesis will be ready to resume the game.

Solution 2: Resetting Nemesis by Standing Your Ground

Sometimes, Nemesis needs a gentle reminder that you're not to be messed with. If he's just standing there, menacingly, without making any moves, try standing your ground. Show him that you're not afraid and ready to take on whatever he throws at you. Maybe he's waiting for you to make the first move or trying to gauge your level of fear. So, hold your ground, look him straight in the eye (or whatever creepy thing he has in place of an eye), and let him know you're not backing down. This might just snap him out of his glitchy behavior and get him back in the game.

Solution 3: Catching Nemesis' Attention with Shooting Stars

Nemesis is a creature of chaos and unpredictability, so sometimes you need to think outside the box to get his attention. One trick that might do the trick is using shooting stars. You see, Nemesis has a thing for celestial phenomena and shiny objects. If you spot a shooting star in the game, try shooting it down and see if it catches Nemesis' eye. Maybe he'll be so mesmerized by the falling star(s) that he forgets about his glitchy behavior and starts chasing after you again. It's worth a shot (pun intended) if you're desperate to get Nemesis back in action.

Remember, these solutions are just suggestions, and there's no guarantee that they'll work every time. Glitches happen, even to the most menacing of bioweapons. So, stay patient, keep trying different approaches, and eventually, you'll have Nemesis back on track, ready to unleash his relentless pursuit once again. Good luck, and may your survival instincts guide you through the glitchy chaos of the RE3 Remake!

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