Have you ever found yourself in a perplexing situation while playing Resident Evil 3 Nemesis? Picture this: you're armed with a mighty rocket launcher, ready to take down any enemy that stands in your way. But to your dismay, the enemies refuse to budge, as if they've suddenly become statues. And to make matters worse, even the notorious Nemesis himself decides to take a break from chasing you. It's a bizarre phenomenon that can leave any survivor scratching their head in confusion. But fear not, my fellow survivors, for in this guide, we shall delve into the depths of this glitchy nightmare and uncover the secrets behind it.
One theory, proposed by a commenter known as "Dude stubbed his toe when going through the wall," suggests that this glitch may be triggered by a collision with the game's environment. It's as if the enemies were so startled by your unexpected encounter with a wall that they froze in place, trapped in a never-ending loop of confusion. To rectify this, try maneuvering through the area again, being cautious to avoid any walls or objects that could potentially cause a collision. With a bit of luck, this may jolt the enemies back to reality and restore normalcy to the game.
Another theory, brought to light by a humorous second commenter, draws parallels to a famous clip from the RE2 remake, where Mr. X turns away in fear upon seeing Claire armed with a rocket launcher. It seems that the enemies, including Nemesis, have developed an inexplicable aversion to explosive weaponry. So, if you find yourself in this glitchy predicament, consider setting aside the rocket launcher and opting for more conventional weapons. A trusty shotgun or a well-aimed pistol shot might just be the key to convincing the enemies to resume their usual behavior.
Lastly, a third commenter suggests that Nemesis simply decided that today was not the day to engage in a battle of epic proportions. Perhaps he took one look at your formidable rocket launcher and thought better of it. In this case, it might be worth trying a change in strategy. Put away the big guns and see if Nemesis emerges from his hiding spot, ready to resume his relentless pursuit. Sometimes, a shift in tactics can break the glitchy spell and restore the game to its intended state.
Remember, these solutions are not foolproof, as glitches can be unpredictable and stubborn. However, in the world of survival horror, adaptability is key. So, arm yourself with these possible remedies and venture forth into the twisted streets of Raccoon City. May luck be on your side as you navigate through this glitchy nightmare and emerge victorious!
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