Are you determined to complete the frugalist and carbon footprint achievements in the thrilling Resident Evil 2 remake? Well, fear not! In this comprehensive game guide, we will explore the best strategies to help you conquer these challenging tasks and emerge victorious.
One effective solution is to opt for the assisted difficulty setting. By doing so, your character will have the ability to heal themselves without the need for any precious recovery items. This fantastic advantage eliminates the constant worry of searching for health-related items throughout the game, allowing you to focus on other crucial aspects of survival.
Alternatively, selecting Claire A as your character's story offers a slightly easier path to success. Why, you ask? The answer lies in the menacing presence of Mr. X, the relentless tyrant who delights in chasing you down. In Claire's story, this formidable foe appears less frequently, granting you precious breathing room and making it somewhat easier to evade his clutches.
Irrespective of the solution you choose, it is imperative to seize every opportunity to acquire inventory upgrades. These valuable upgrades expand your carrying capacity, enabling you to conserve resources more effectively. Keep a vigilant eye out for these upgrades as you progress through the game, ensuring you grab them whenever they cross your path.
Embark on your quest to obtain these coveted achievements with confidence and determination! May your inventory be overflowing with essential items, and may your enemies be few and far between. Remember, success awaits those who persevere and adapt to the challenges that lie ahead. Good luck!
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