As the highly anticipated anime series Sakamoto Days‘ debut is on the horizon, Netflix has released another trailer demonstrating its visually stunning animation sequences. While Sakamoto Days was always expected to be a highlight of the season, the anime adaptation initially sparked concerns among the fans. But with its new trailer, what was once seen as a potential disappointment has turned into a front-runner for Anime of the Year.
With breathtaking animation and clever action sequences, including an iconic scene where Sakamoto shows his chopstick expertise, it’s no wonder fans are rallying behind this series. While the early promotional material ignited doubts among fans, the tides now have been turned as the studio has gone all out; delivering an experience that could rival even Attack on Titan in terms of action choreography.
When the anime adaptation of Yuto Suzuki’s manga Sakamoto Days was first announced, fans were cautiously optimistic. The source material is beloved, but early previews suggested that the animation quality might not live up to expectations. Fans feared that Sakamoto Days would fall into the trap of mediocre adaptations, unable to convey the energy and humor of the manga.
However, the latest trailer has completely flipped the narrative. Fans are now praising the studio for its attention to detail, dynamic action choreography, and character designs that stay true to the manga. The trailer showcases high-speed fight scenes, creative weapon use, and Taro Sakamoto’s effortlessly cool skills; all crafted with smooth, high-quality animation.
One of the manga’s most iconic moments is when Sakamoto nonchalantly catches bullets with chopsticks during a fight. The new trailer features this scene with stunning animation; showcasing the fluidity of Sakamoto’s movements and the comedic timing that defines the series.
The anime-only viewers have been stunned and the mange readers have pointed out how this single sequence captures the essence of Sakamoto Days manga and sets the tone for what’s to come.
— Bam²⁵ (@The25thNigga) January 9, 2025
Catching bullets with chopsticks is so cold😭
— Muktar (@Kozuki_Oden19) January 9, 2025
Sakamoto says has some of the coolest ways to fight and choreography in any manga/anime I’ve seen so I can’t wait to see the entire thing
— Bam²⁵ (@The25thNigga) January 9, 2025
— 🔥😈Erebus-V HawtSquad Leader😈🔥 (@ErebusVFWG) January 9, 2025
Saw the opening and thought it was gonna be Ass💀💀
— 👑 Kènny✞ (@KaizenXIX) January 9, 2025
The action sequences look as smooth as those from Attack on Titan, with its fluidity of movement and cinematic flair. In the manga, Sakamoto frequently deflects bullets with everyday objects like chopsticks and frying pans, and now with anime adaptation, it will further deliver on its promise of absurd yet thrilling action.
Serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, Yuto Suzuki‘s Sakamoto Days revolves around the story of Taro Sakamoto; a legendary hitman who retires to lead a peaceful life as a convenience store owner with his wife and child. However, his past comes back to haunt him, forcing Sakamoto to take up arms; often hilariously unconventional ones, to protect his newfound family.
The series balances comedy and heartwarming moments with jaw-dropping action; making it a fan favorite. After the huge success of Dandadan‘s anime adaption, Sakamoto Days is poised to become another hit series at the beginning of the new year.
As anticipation builds for the series premiere, all eyes are on the studio to maintain this level of quality throughout the season. If the trailer is any indication, Sakamoto Days is about to take the anime world by storm, and even seasoned action-based anime fans might find themselves bowing in admiration.
Sakamoto Days is set to premiere on 11 January on Netflix.
This post belongs to FandomWire and first appeared on FandomWire