LEGO Fortnite: How To Get Heavy Wool

Heavy Wool can be obtained by petting Rams (Grey Sheep) and opening chests in LEGO Fortnite’s Snow biome, the Frostlands. Just like a Sheep in the Grasslands, when you pet a Ram in the game, it will drop a single piece of Heavy Wool. They will not drop Heavy Wool again until the next day.

The main way to farm Heavy Wool in the game is to go exploring the snowy terrain of the Frostlands while keeping an eye out for these Rams. But also remember to keep a lookout for any buildings or caves you see along the way. The chests in these areas have a high chance of spawning Heavy Wool.

Where To Find Rams

To find the Rams, you first need to find the Frostlands. And since most players start off smack dab in the middle of the Grasslands, this can be a challenging task depending on the orientation of your world’s map.

Fortunately, the Frostlands are much easier to find than the Dry Valley, as this biome’s presence is immediately evident from a distance because of the tall, snowy mountains, visible from a distance.

When you’re looking for the Frostlands, look to the sky while exploring, and you should see snow-capped mountains in the distance if you’re close to it. Head over there, and you should find yourselves in LEGO Fortnite’s snow biome.

Now, we need to overcome the second challenge: surviving the cold. For casual exploration, a Spicy Pepper from the Dry Valley biome will be more than enough to let you see what the Frostlands have to offer. But if you’re planning on spending a lot of time here, a frost resistance charm like Inner Fire Charm is the way to go. You can craft these charms at a rare crafting bench. Equipping three of these charms will let you go anywhere in the Frostlands without worrying about the cold.

How To Make Inner Fire Charms

Inner Fire Charms will only be craftable at a rare crafting bench. To make it, you’ll need:

  • Wool Thread x3: Process Wool in a Spinning wheel.
  • Cut Ruby x5: Process Ruby in a Gem Cutter.
  • Brightcore x8: Mine Brightcore from a Cave in the Dry Valley.
  • Blast Core x3: Defeat a Blaster mob in the Dry Valley (only spawns in caves).

All items required to craft an Inner Fire Charm can be found somewhere in the Dry Valley. Lava Caves are excellent places to look for minerals as they are rich with materials for you to farm.
