How to Get Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite

You'll come across a variety of materials such as Brightcore, Wool, Flexwood, and more in LEGO Fortnite to craft with. However, Heavy Wool is an epic item that you'll require to create Heavy Wool Thread, and getting it is not easy. There are many rumors that this material can be obtained by petting or killing a Sheep, but that's simply not true.

So, are you wondering how to get heavy Wool in Lego Fortnite? We've got you covered! Here's our guide to help you get this material in LEGO Fortnite. 

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Heavy Wool?

It will be quite a journey to get this material in LEGO Fortnite. The only real way to obtain this resource is by venturing into the Frozen Biome and opening chests or petting rams. 

How to Get Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite

Rams are different from sheep, as they can only be found in Frostlands. They are gray with black curly horns. If you pet a Ram, they will drop Heavy Wool. To pet a ram, you must walk up to it and ensure the dot in the middle of your screen hovers over the Ram. After that, you must press the prompt in order to pet them. You don't have to attack the Ram.

But you can also obtain Heavy Wool by looking for chests in broken buildings in the Forestlands. Chests usually contain items from their areas, so there's a high chance that chests in Frostlands might have Heavy Wool. 

LEGO Fortnite: How to Survive Frozen Biome?

The most challenging part of getting Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite is actually surviving in the cold environment of Frostlands. Here are a few ways you can survive the cold in LEGO Fortnite – 

  • Consume a Spicy Pepper – This can hold off mild levels of cold for a short duration of time. You won't be able to stack them, so we recommend eating one at a time to get the full benefit of it. You can find Spicy Peppers in the Desert Biome.

  • Eat a Spicy Burger – You can make this Burger with a Grill, one piece of Spicy Pepper, a Flour, and a piece of Meat. The Spicy Burger will grant you ten minutes of cold resistance. 

  • Create an Inner Fire Charm – In order to create this item, you must upgrade your crafting bench to the Epic Tier and then use three Brightcore, three Wool Threads, three Cut Ruby, and three Blast Cores to craft this charm. You'll be able to quip it permanently in your inventory. 

That's everything you need to know about how to get heavy wool in LEGO Fortnite. Be sure to follow us as we'll bring you the latest LEGO Fortnite updates and news. 
