Fortnite Stats: The Mysterious Case of Set Bonuses and the Elusive Trap Durability


  • The issue of set bonuses not appearing in stats is not a bug, but rather a result of how they are calculated, with additive bonuses becoming insignificant when already possessing a significant bonus from other sources.
  • The only set bonus that truly makes an impact is trap durability, making it the most valuable bonus to prioritize unless engaging in specific game modes.
  • When organizing survivor squads, it is important to prioritize matching lead survivors' types and rarities, while also aligning the personality types of the remaining squad members with their leaders to maximize effectiveness.

Are Set Bonuses Bugged or Hiding in the Shadows?


Welcome, fellow Fortnite enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a thrilling journey into the mysterious realm of survivor squads. Our mission? To unravel the truth behind the confounding question that has left many players scratching their heads: Are set bonuses bugged or simply elusive?

It appears that the issue of set bonuses failing to manifest in our beloved stats is not a pesky bug, but rather a consequence of subpar optimization. When we fortify our squads with survivors boasting trap durability, we witness a noticeable surge in our stats. However, when it comes to set bonuses for damage or hero ability damage, the numbers seem to remain stubbornly stagnant.

The root of this enigma lies in the nature of these set bonuses. You see, these bonuses are additive, not multiplicative. In simpler terms, when we possess zero bonus stats, a mere 5% increase holds significant weight. But when we've already amassed a colossal bonus from other sources, such as a jaw-dropping +3600%, a mere 5% boost becomes a mere drop in the vast ocean of our existing power.

In light of this revelation, it becomes apparent that the only set bonus that truly wields its might is trap durability. Therefore, unless you find yourself embroiled in endurance or lengthy LTMs like frostnite, the other set bonuses may not warrant your precious time and effort.

Now, let's delve into the realm of survivor squad organization. As you assemble your formidable squad, bear a few crucial factors in mind. When selecting your lead survivors, prioritize matching their lead type first, followed by their rarity. As for the remaining members of your squad, prioritize rarity first and foremost, and then focus on aligning their personality types with those of your esteemed leaders. While you may strive to acquire the trap durability bonus, its impact may prove inconsequential unless you engage in specific game modes.

In conclusion, the conundrum of set bonuses eluding our stat sheets is not a glitch, but rather a consequence of the intricate calculations at play. Therefore, if trap durability holds relevance in your gameplay, channel your focus towards it, while also ensuring your lead survivors align with their respective types and rarities. With these insights in hand, may you conquer Fortnite's challenges with unwavering prowess and emerge victorious from every battle that awaits you.

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