Fortnite Clouds: Unleash the Storm with Cloudburst Perks and Devastating Damage!


  • The cloud 6th perk in Fortnite's Cloudburst weapons is not the only factor that determines damage, as carefully selecting critical rating and critical damage perks can significantly enhance overall weapon damage.
  • The cloud damage has the ability to crit, so stacking up on critical rating and critical damage perks amplifies both weapon shots and the accompanying cloud, allowing players to rain down devastation upon their foes.
  • The steam cloud 6th perk is influenced by the Tech stat, so investing in Tech upgrades will bolster the damage inflicted by the steam cloud, making it even more powerful.

When it comes to the Cloudburst perks in Fortnite, players are always seeking ways to maximize their weapon's damage potential. One burning question that often arises is whether the cloud 6th perk alone is enough to deal significant damage, and what other perks should be prioritized. Fear not, fellow Fortnite enthusiasts, for I am here to shed some light on this cloudy situation!


First and foremost, it is crucial to understand that while the cloud 6th perk does indeed inflict damage, it is not the sole factor that determines your overall weapon damage. The damage dealt by the cloud can be further enhanced by carefully selecting the perks for your gun. So, what should you focus on when perking your gun? The answer lies in the tried-and-true crit build.

A classic crit build, comprising of critical rating (CR) and critical damage (CD) perks, remains the go-to strategy. It is important to note that the cloud damage has the ability to crit, meaning that stacking up on CR and CD perks will substantially amplify the damage output of both your weapon shots and the accompanying cloud. This translates to an increased capacity to rain down devastation upon your foes.

But wait, there's more! The steam cloud 6th perk is also influenced by your Tech stat in the F.O.R.T. system. The higher your Tech stat, the more damage your steam cloud will inflict. Therefore, if you are aiming to make those clouds truly pack a punch, it is advisable to invest in Tech upgrades to bolster your steam cloud damage.

In summary, while the cloud 6th perk does contribute to your weapon's damage, it is not the sole determining factor. A crit build with CR and CD perks will augment both your weapon shots and the cloud damage. Additionally, increasing your Tech stat will further amplify the destructive capabilities of the steam cloud. So, gear up, perk up, and let those clouds rain havoc upon your enemies!

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