Mementos Destiny 2: The Elusive Dream of Shaders on Armor and Possible Solutions!


  • The Memento Shader in Destiny 2 has become the ultimate sought-after item, with players desperate to apply its glorious hues to their armor and create works of art.
  • Players have suggested the introduction of craftable armor or consumable items specifically designed to unlock the ability to apply Shaders onto armor as potential solutions to obtaining the elusive Memento Shader.
  • The implementation of a transmogrification system, allowing players to change the appearance of their armor without affecting its stats, could provide a much-needed avenue for self-expression and customization in Destiny 2.

In the vast world of Destiny 2, there is one elusive and coveted item that has captured the attention of players everywhere: the Memento Shader. With its glorious hues and ability to transform armor into works of art, it's no wonder that players are desperate to get their hands on this rare gem. However, the sad reality is that, at the moment, the ability to apply Memento Shaders directly onto armor remains a distant dream. But fear not, fellow Guardians, for there may still be hope on the horizon.


One potential solution that has been fervently suggested by players is the introduction of craftable armor. Imagine a system where players could create their own armor pieces, allowing them to choose the style, stats, and even the ability to apply Shaders directly onto their crafted armor. This would not only give players more control over their fashion choices, but also allow them to showcase their individuality in a way that has never been possible before.

Another possibility that could bring the dream of Memento Shaders to life is the introduction of a new type of consumable item. This item would be specifically designed to unlock the ability to apply Shaders onto armor. It could be a rare drop from high-level activities or even purchasable from a special vendor in the Tower. By giving players the option to use these consumables, Bungie would not only provide a solution for obtaining Memento Shaders, but also add an exciting new layer of gameplay and reward to the Destiny 2 experience.

Lastly, Bungie could consider implementing a feature that has long been popular in RPGs: transmogrification. This system would allow players to change the appearance of their armor without affecting its stats. By introducing a similar system in Destiny 2, players could use Memento Shaders to customize the appearance of their armor, giving them the freedom to express their style without sacrificing their preferred stats. This would not only satisfy the desire for Memento Shaders, but also provide a much-needed avenue for self-expression within the game.

While it may seem like a distant possibility, it's important to remember that Bungie has always been attentive to player feedback and has made numerous improvements to the game based on community requests. So, Guardians, let us keep our fingers crossed and continue to rock those shaders on our weapons. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll see the glorious Memento Shaders gracing our armor pieces, allowing us to truly shine on the battlefield. Until then, let the hunt for Memento continue, and may the light guide us on our quest.

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