When it comes to deciding which guns to deconstruct in Destiny 2, the popularity ranking on light.gg can be a helpful tool. However, it's important to understand what this ranking truly represents. The popularity ranking reflects the perk combinations that are currently favored by players, but it does not necessarily indicate the rarity of a particular roll. Therefore, it's essential to approach the ranking with a discerning eye and not take it as the ultimate authority.
The top perk combos for a weapon are often the most popular because they provide solid and consistent performance. However, it's crucial to remember that these combinations may not be the absolute best for every situation. Bungie may have included certain perks as "throwaway perks" to fill up the perk pool, meaning they may not offer significant benefits. While the popular combos may excel in designated activities like PvE or PvP, they might not align with your own playstyle and preferences.
For newcomers or those returning to the game after a break, light.gg can serve as a valuable guide rather than a strict rulebook. It offers a sense of what perks are generally considered solid for each weapon, but ultimately, the choice should be yours. Trust yourself and experiment with different perk combinations to discover what works best for you. After all, the true enjoyment of Destiny 2's weapons lies in finding the perfect match for your unique playstyle.
It's worth noting that the grades assigned to weapons on different websites can vary. What may be considered an S-tier weapon on light.gg could be rated as a low B-tier on another site. To make well-informed decisions, it's advisable to consult multiple sources and consider a variety of opinions. This way, you can gather a more comprehensive understanding of a weapon's true potential and make choices that align with your goals.
In summary, while the popularity ranking on light.gg can provide a general idea of what perks are favored by players, it's crucial to trust your own judgment and play with what you enjoy. Don't hesitate to explore different perk combinations and remember that rankings can differ across various websites. Ultimately, the decision of which guns to deconstruct should be based on your personal preferences and playstyle. So, go forth, Guardian, and forge your own path in the world of Destiny 2.
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