Destiny Game Changer: Revamping the Endgame in Destiny 2


  • Imagine strutting around the Tower, armed with exclusive "end game weapons" that not only pack a punch but also look incredibly cool, making you the envy of every Guardian in sight.
  • Conquer a variety of activities to unlock specific items, preventing players from simply farming a single activity and encouraging them to explore the full range of content available.
  • Deck yourself out in powerful and stylish armor sets that not only provide protection but also showcase your unique style, making you the belle of the ball in a post-apocalyptic world.

Are you ready to take your end game experience in Destiny 2 to the next level? Well, hold on tight, Guardian, because I've got some thrilling ideas that will leave you on the edge of your seat.


One surefire way to spice up the end game is to consolidate all the purchasable items into a single vendor in the Tower. This vendor would have a unique focus on the end game, offering not only the existing items but also additional cosmetic goodies and exclusive "end game weapons." Imagine strutting around the Tower, armed with weapons that not only pack a punch but also look incredibly cool. You'll be the envy of every Guardian in sight.

To keep things interesting, certain items tied to specific activities could require activity keys that can only be obtained by completing those activities. This would prevent players from simply farming a single activity and encourage them to explore the full range of content available. Conquer a dungeon and a raid to unlock a particular item? Now that's a challenge worth taking on!

But we're not stopping there. This new endgame vendor could also offer a range of weapon cosmetics, ornaments, and a mix of old and new endgame armor sets that get added with each new chapter. Picture yourself decked out in armor that not only provides powerful protection but also showcases your unique style. You'll be the belle of the ball, except the ball is a post-apocalyptic world and you're armed to the teeth.

To truly enhance the endgame experience, it would be helpful if the game provided organized and detailed explanations for all the exotic quests tied to endgame activities. No more aimlessly wandering around, trying to decipher cryptic clues. With clear instructions, you can focus on the excitement of the challenge rather than the frustration of unraveling mysteries.

And to top it all off, the weapons should feel even more powerful than standard gear. After all, who doesn't want to feel like an unstoppable force of nature? To keep the motivation alive, there should be a consistent and regularly updated pool of items to work towards. Whether it's a flashy new sparrow or a jaw-dropping ghost shell, there should always be something to show off your awesome gear and make other Guardians green with envy.

So, fellow Guardian, get ready to conquer the end game in Destiny 2 like never before. With these ideas, you'll inject excitement and flair into your gameplay. May your loot be plentiful and your victories legendary!

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