Destiny 2 Legacy: Embracing Change and Powering Up in the Ever-Evolving Universe


  • Discover the freedom of switching out old transmat effects in Destiny 2, allowing you to give your ship a fresh makeover and reflect your ever-changing style.
  • Bid farewell to outdated gear and seek out new, powerful weapons with the help of Banshee-44, the Gunsmith extraordinaire, to stay competitive in the evolving world of Destiny 2.
  • Embrace change and thrive in Destiny 2 by utilizing expert advice and upgrading your arsenal, ensuring that your Guardian shines with the power of the latest and greatest.

Returning to Destiny 2 after a Forsaken hiatus, players often have burning questions about how to enhance their gaming experience. In this guide, we will address two common inquiries: removing old transmat effects and increasing the light level of outdated gear. So, let's dive right in and find the solutions to these exciting challenges!


First, let's tackle the issue of removing old transmat effects. Picture this: you've got an old Warmind transmat effect stuck on your ship, and you're itching to give it a fresh makeover. Unfortunately, you can't simply peel it off like a stubborn sticker. However, there's good news! Transmat effects are now multiple-use, which means you have the freedom to switch them out for different ones. It's like having a collection of stickers and being able to choose the perfect one to match your mood. So, while you can't remove the old effect entirely, you can easily switch it out for a new and exciting one whenever you please. Embrace the versatility and let your ship's transmat effects reflect your ever-changing style!

Now, let's shift our focus to increasing the light level of your outdated gear. This is crucial for staying competitive in the ever-evolving world of Destiny 2. However, not all gear is created equal. While some weapons, like the legendary Ace of Spades, have the ability to increase their light level, others, such as your old rocket launcher and bow, unfortunately, belong to the category of "sunset gear." These items, indicated by a grey icon in the corner, have been sunset, meaning they can no longer be infused up to the current power level. It's like having a favorite pair of shoes that are just too worn out to wear anymore. In this case, you'll need to bid farewell to your old rocket launcher and bow and seek out new gear that matches your current power level.

But fear not! Destiny 2 offers a solution to your power level woes. Enter Banshee-44, the Gunsmith extraordinaire. If you're determined to increase your light level, it's time to pay him a visit. Think of Banshee-44 as your personal fashion consultant in the Destiny universe. Share your predicament with him, and he'll guide you towards finding new gear that matches your desired power level. He's the go-to guy for all your weapon-related needs, helping you upgrade your arsenal and stay ahead of the game. So, gear up and head over to Banshee-44 for a power boost and some expert advice. With his assistance, you'll be ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

In the world of Destiny 2, change is inevitable, but with the right knowledge and guidance, you can embrace it and thrive. So, whether you're switching up your transmat effects or seeking out new gear, remember to let your Guardian shine with the power of the latest and greatest. Happy hunting, Guardians!

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