Destiny 2 Forums Unite: Navigating the Whirlwind Guard/Blight Ranger Bug/Arc Hunter Predicament


  • Destiny 2 players are encountering a perplexing bug involving the Whirlwind Guard ability and the Blight Ranger exotic, resulting in self-inflicted damage and leaving many players seeking a solution.
  • The bug may be caused by the amplification effect of the Blight Ranger exotic, leading to increased damage and unintended consequences for Guardians.
  • Players are calling on Bungie to investigate and resolve the bug, but in the meantime, they are encouraged to embrace the chaos, have fun, and explore new strategies in the game.

Destiny 2 Bug: The Whirlwind Guard/Blight Ranger Dilemma


In the vast world of Destiny 2, Guardians have encountered a perplexing bug involving the Whirlwind Guard ability and the Blight Ranger exotic. This bug has left players scratching their heads and seeking answers. Fear not, for we are here to shed some light on this confusing issue.

The bug seems to occur regardless of whether the Blight Ranger exotic is equipped or not, causing frustration among Guardians. One player on the Bungie Help forum shared their experience, revealing that the reflected projectile from Whirlwind Guard ricochets inside the whirlwind, resulting in self-inflicted damage. This unexpected consequence has left many players puzzled and seeking a solution.

There are a couple of theories that attempt to explain this self-damage dilemma. One possibility is that the Blight Ranger exotic's amplification effect is to blame. Some speculate that the increased damage caused by the exotic is the reason behind the self-inflicted harm. It's like wielding a double-edged sword - gaining power at the cost of hurting oneself. It is worth considering whether this unintended consequence is a flaw in the exotic's perk that warrants further investigation by Bungie.

Another proposed solution is to treat the Blight Ranger exotic similarly to the Foetracer or Knucklehead gear. This means adding the increased reflect damage to a different piece of gear, such as Raijus Harness. By separating the reflect damage from the Blight Ranger exotic, Guardians can still enjoy the thrill of reflecting projectiles without suffering self-inflicted pain.

Ultimately, the resolution to the Whirlwind Guard/Blight Ranger bug lies in the hands of Bungie. As a player, your role is to raise awareness of the issue and hope for a fix. Head over to the Destiny 2 forums, share your experiences, and join the chorus of voices calling for Bungie's attention. Together, we can make our virtual world a safer place for all Guardians.

In the meantime, why not embrace the chaos? Destiny 2 is a game of unexpected twists and turns, and bugs are just another part of the experience. Strap on that Blight Ranger exotic, unleash the power of the Whirlwind Guard, and see just how much damage you can dish out - to both your enemies and yourself. Who knows, you might discover a hidden strategy or become the legend who mastered the art of controlled chaos.

Remember, Guardians, bugs may be frustrating, but they are also an opportunity for creativity and fun. Embrace them, exploit them, and most importantly, enjoy the game. Happy gaming, and may the Whirlwind Guard be ever in your favor!

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