Destiny 2: Farm Barrier Champions with Frustration and Finesse


  • The lack of suppression abilities on void classes in Destiny 2 makes stunning overloads with void almost impossible, like trying to find a unicorn in a haystack.
  • Stun barrier champions using volatile rounds is a convoluted process that requires precise timing and a lot of luck, especially in Grandmaster difficulty where the champion may re-shield itself before you can defeat it.
  • Suggestions to improve void verbs for champions include changing overload to be stunned by weaken and updating the anti-barrier verb to encompass all volatility effects, allowing for more versatile loadout choices and eliminating the need for specific seasonal artifacts or inconsistent abilities.

Are you tired of the lackluster void verbs for champions in Destiny 2? Well, fear not, fellow guardians, for we have some suggestions and insights that might just make your void champion encounters a little less infuriating. Let's dive into the world of Destiny 2 farm barrier champions and explore the issues with suppression and volatile rounds.


Suppression, the ability to stun champions, is unfortunately quite limited in its application. Currently, there are only a few ways to apply suppression, such as using a mediocre grenade or relying on the shield bash ability for Titans. While the shield bash is undeniably cool, it falls short in higher-level content. And let's not forget the Hunter's deadfall tether, which is great but often not available enough to deal with every overload champion you come across. The rarity of suppression abilities on void classes makes stunning overloads with void almost impossible. It's like trying to find a unicorn in a haystack.

Now, let's talk about volatile rounds, the ability to stun barrier champions. This is a tricky one, especially in Grandmaster difficulty. In order to stun a barrier champion using volatile rounds, you have to damage them enough to trigger their shield before you can even attempt a stun. This means you have to find a red bar enemy, throw a grenade, hope it kills them (or else wait for your grenade to recharge), then quickly switch to your void weapon and start shooting the champion before their shield goes back up. It's a convoluted process that requires precise timing and a lot of luck. And in Grandmaster difficulty, it's even more challenging, as the champion may re-shield itself before you can defeat it. Talk about frustrating!

So, what can be done to improve these void verbs for champions? Well, some players have suggested changing overload to be stunned by weaken, a more versatile ability that can be applied in various ways. This would open up more options for players and eliminate the need to rely on the scarce suppression abilities. As for volatile rounds, it would be great if Bungie could update the anti-barrier verb to encompass all volatility effects, rather than being tied specifically to grenade kills. This would allow players to utilize volatility effects from various sources, making it more useful for different classes and loadouts.

In conclusion, the void verbs for champions in Destiny 2 definitely need some attention. It's frustrating to feel limited in our loadout choices and forced to rely on specific seasonal artifacts or inconsistent abilities. Hopefully, Bungie will take these suggestions into consideration and make some adjustments to improve the overall experience for void hunters and all guardians facing off against these challenging champions. Stay tuned for more updates and happy hunting, guardians!

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