Destiny 2 Emblem Codes: Unleash Your Inner Guardian and Track Your Kills for the Community Goal!


  • Killing yourself with Eager Edge won't count towards the community goal, so it's best to focus on taking down enemies instead.
  • Destiny 2 has a clever system in place that tracks your kills, even if you haven't logged in for a while, so you can always check your progress in the Triumphs tab.
  • The post-game reports in Destiny 2 provide a detailed breakdown of your kills, allowing you to see how much carnage you've unleashed upon your enemies.

So, you've received the coveted Adventurous Spirit Emblem and now you're curious about how your kills are being tracked. Well, my fellow Guardian, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of this emblem and unravel the mystery together.


First things first, let's address a burning question from the comments: "Did killing myself with Eager Edge count?" Ah, the age-old question of self-inflicted deaths. Unfortunately, my friend, killing yourself with Eager Edge won't contribute to the community goal. The game developers have a strict policy against self-sabotage, so it's best to focus on taking down enemies rather than taking yourself out.

Now, let's get to the main concern - how are your kills being tracked? Destiny 2 has a clever system in place that keeps tabs on your kills, even if you haven't logged in for a while. Whether you're slaying foes in strikes, dominating in Crucible matches, or participating in public events, your kills are being counted towards the community goal.

But what if you've been away from the game for an extended period and have no idea how many kills have been tracked? Fear not! Destiny 2 has a handy feature called the "Triumphs" tab. This tab allows you to view your progress in various activities, including kills. Simply head over to the Triumphs tab, navigate to the appropriate section, and you'll be able to see how many kills you've contributed towards the community goal.

In addition to the Triumphs tab, Destiny 2 also provides players with a detailed post-game report after completing activities such as strikes or Crucible matches. This report showcases your individual performance, including the number of kills you've achieved. So, even if you've missed out on the live tracking, you can always check these reports to see how much carnage you've unleashed upon your enemies.

So, my fellow Guardian, fret not if you haven't logged in for a while. Destiny 2 has your back, keeping a close eye on your kills and ensuring that your contributions towards the community goal are duly recognized. Now, go forth and continue your noble quest of slaying enemies, for the Adventurous Spirit Emblem awaits!

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