Alright, fellow Guardians, gather 'round for an epic tale of character porting woes in the world of Destiny 2. Our protagonist, whom we shall affectionately refer to as Reddit fam, found themselves in quite the pickle when the Stadia platform unexpectedly shut down. You see, Reddit fam had poured their heart and soul into their character on that account, only to be blindsided by the closure. Panic set in, and they feared that all their progress would be lost forever. But fear not, for destiny has a funny way of turning things around.
In a valiant attempt to salvage their hard-earned progress, Reddit fam had the foresight to set up cross-save before the fateful shutdown. However, when they logged into their other platforms, their beloved character was nowhere to be found. Heartbreak ensued, and they bid farewell to the game, thinking it was the bitter end of their journey.
But lo and behold, Destiny works in mysterious ways. After some time away, Reddit fam mustered the courage to give the game another shot. They created a new character and dove back into the action. And then, a glimmer of hope appeared. They logged into the Destiny Companion app and, to their astonishment, there it was - their Stadia character, staring back at them through the virtual realm.
Now, the burning question on Reddit fam's mind is whether there's a chance to port their cherished Stadia character over to their Xbox. Let's explore the possible solutions, shall we?
Solution 1: Cross-Save Activation
According to a helpful Guardian in the comments, as long as Reddit fam had activated cross-save before the Stadia shutdown, their character should still be intact. It's crucial not to deactivate cross-save for any reason, as one unfortunate clanmate learned the hard way. Bungie, the masterminds behind Destiny 2, was able to recover their account after three agonizing weeks. But let's not put ourselves through that ordeal, shall we? Hold onto cross-save like your favorite exotic weapon and keep it activated at all costs.
Solution 2: Reaching Out to Bungie Support
Another Guardian chimed in, sharing their own success story. They were able to reach out to the mighty Bungie support and received a prompt response. With their assistance, the character was successfully transferred over to a new platform. So, Reddit fam, don't hesitate to seek help from the guardians of Bungie if all else fails. They might just work their magic and make your character migration dreams come true.
In conclusion, dear Guardians, if you ever find yourself in a similar predicament of character porting woes, fear not. Activate cross-save, hold onto it like your most prized exotic weapon, and reach out to the mighty Bungie support if need be. With a little bit of luck and perseverance, your character's journey can continue across different platforms, ensuring that no progress is ever truly lost in the vast universe of Destiny 2.
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