Destiny 2 Armor Collection: Unraveling the Mysteries of Transmog and Becoming the Most Stylish Guardian in the Galaxy


  • Unravel the mysteries of Transmog in Destiny 2 and become a master of style with a little extra effort and a visit to the loom.
  • Unlock elusive armor ornament styles by finding the locked armor pieces in the appearances screen and take one step closer to becoming the most stylish Guardian in the galaxy.
  • With the help of these tips, you'll be transmogging your gear like a pro in no time and never compromise on style as a true Guardian.

Welcome to the world of Destiny 2, Guardian! If you're new to the game and finding yourself struggling with the concept of Transmog, fear not. We're here to help you unravel the mysteries and become a master of style in no time!


So, you've completed a bounty from Ada 1, but you can't seem to find the material in your inventory. Don't panic! The solution might be simpler than you think. One helpful Guardian in the comments section suggested heading back to the loom where Ada is located and cashing in your bounty. It seems that the material doesn't magically appear in your inventory after completion, so a little extra effort is required. Destiny 2 likes to keep you on your toes, after all!

Now, let's talk about unlocking those elusive armor ornament styles. Have you ever noticed those locked armor pieces in the armor appearances screen? They're the key to expanding your fashion options! To access this screen, simply go to the armor section where your Guardian is striking a pose. Scroll down, and you'll spot armor pieces with little locks on them. These are the ones you want! Choose the armor piece you desire, and voila, you're one step closer to becoming the most stylish Guardian in the galaxy.

To summarize, make sure to visit the loom to claim your bounty rewards and keep an eye out for those locked armor pieces in the appearances screen. With these tips in mind, you'll be transmogging your gear like a pro in no time. Remember, true Guardians never compromise on style! Happy hunting, Guardian!

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