Ark Survival Evolved Free: A Guide to Glitches, Misinterpretations, and Unexpected Encounters in ARK: Survival Evolved


  • Dive into the wild and unpredictable world of Ark Survival Evolved, where glitches and mishaps are just part of the game - embrace the chaos and keep on surviving!
  • Learn how to rectify common issues like an empty hot bar, mistaken item equipping, and mysterious inventory items to get back on track in your quest for greatness.
  • Never judge a creature by its appearance - approach new encounters with caution and be prepared for a fight, or make a strategic retreat if things take a turn for the worse.

Welcome to the wild and unpredictable world of Ark Survival Evolved! It seems you've found yourself in a rather sticky situation, but fear not, for I am here to guide you back on the path to greatness. So, let's dive right in and address the challenges you've encountered.


First and foremost, let's tackle the issue of your empty hot bar. It appears that you've fallen victim to a glitch. To rectify this, try opening your inventory and dragging items from your inventory into your hot bar. If this doesn't work, a simple game or console restart may do the trick. Sometimes, a fresh start is all you need to get things back in order.

Now, onto the mishap with the teleport gun. It seems you may have confused it with a repair symbol, which led to some unintended consequences. To avoid such confusion in the future, always take a closer look at items before equipping them. To get rid of the teleport gun, simply unequip it from your hot bar and drop it from your inventory. Problem solved!

Moving on, let's address the sudden appearance of unfamiliar items in your inventory. This could be the result of a mod or a glitch. To remove these mysterious items, try manually dropping them from your inventory. If that doesn't work, a restart may be necessary. Remember, in the world of Ark Survival Evolved, expect the unexpected!

Lastly, let's discuss your encounter with the diplo and your unfortunate demise. It seems you underestimated the power of this seemingly harmless creature. Lesson learned: never judge a book by its cover. In the future, approach new creatures with caution and be prepared for a fight. And if things take a turn for the worse, don't hesitate to make a strategic retreat.

With these solutions in mind, you are now equipped to navigate the challenges that await you in Ark Survival Evolved. Remember, glitches and mishaps are just part of the game, so embrace the chaos and keep on surviving! Good luck out there, brave survivor!

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