Spitfire's Rate of Fire in Apex Legends: Solutions for Confused Players


  • The Spitfire is a powerful weapon in Call of Duty: Vanguard, known for its high rate of fire and accuracy.
  • Players should check their platform settings to determine if the Spitfire's rate of fire is affected by their platform, and compare the in-game clock to the video's clock to determine if there is a difference in time.
  • The Spitfire can be effective in the right circumstances, even if it does not appear to be shooting as fast as other weapons.

The Spitfire is a powerful weapon in Call of Duty: Vanguard, known for its high rate of fire and accuracy. However, some players may notice that the Spitfire seems to have a faster rate of fire than other weapons, leading to questions about whether the weapon's performance is affected by the player's platform or the video's playback speed.

To determine whether the Spitfire's rate of fire is affected by the player's platform, players should check the settings on their PS5 or other platform to see if there is a difference in the rate of fire compared to other platforms. This can help players identify any potential issues with their platform that may be affecting the weapon's performance.

Another potential cause of the Spitfire's faster-than-normal rate of fire is a higher-than-normal playback speed in the video. Players can check the video's playback speed and adjust it to normal speed to see if this is the case. Additionally, comparing the in-game clock to the video's clock can help determine if there is a difference in time between the two, which could affect the perceived rate of fire.

It's also possible that the player's perception of the Spitfire's rate of fire is simply different from the actual rate due to individual playstyle or experience with the weapon. The Spitfire is a powerful weapon and can be deadly in the right hands, so even if it does not appear to be shooting as fast as other weapons, it can still be effective in the right circumstances.

In conclusion, there are several possible causes of the Spitfire's faster-than-normal rate of fire in Call of Duty: Vanguard. By checking the player's platform, video playback speed, and comparing the in-game clock to the video's clock, players can determine if there are any issues affecting the weapon's performance. Additionally, it's important to remember that the Spitfire is a powerful weapon and can be effective in the right hands, even if it does not appear to be shooting as fast as other weapons.

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