Cross Progression Release Time: What Happens to Heirloom Shards in Apex Legends When Accounts are Merged?


  • The impact of account merging on progress towards heirloom shards in Apex Legends is not yet confirmed by the game's developers.
  • Two possible outcomes of account merging are that progress is combined or reset, with no clear indication of which is more likely to occur.
  • Players should make a backup of their account data before merging to ensure that their progress towards heirloom shards is not lost.

The Impact of Account Merging on Progress Towards Heirloom Shards in Apex Legends

As a game guide author, I have received several inquiries about the effects of account merging on the progress towards acquiring heirloom shards in Apex Legends. Unfortunately, the game's developers have not yet provided an official word on how this process affects players' progress.

One possible outcome is that the progress from both accounts is combined, with the lower account's progress being added to the higher account's. This means that if one account has 498 Apex packs opened and the other has 1, after merging, the player would be one Apex pack away from getting heirloom shards. However, it's important to note that this is just one possibility and not a confirmed outcome.

Another possibility is that the progress is reset, and the player would be back at 1 pack opened. This means that all the hard work and effort put into acquiring heirloom shards on both accounts would be lost. This outcome is not ideal for players who have invested a significant amount of time and resources into acquiring heirloom shards.

It's also possible that the progress is averaged out, with the player receiving a portion of the progress from each account. This outcome would be a fair solution for players who have put in equal effort into acquiring heirloom shards on both accounts. However, it's important to note that this is just a speculation and not a confirmed outcome.

In conclusion, until the developers provide an official word on the matter, players will have to wait and see what happens to their progress towards heirloom shards when they merge their accounts in Apex Legends. It's always best to make a backup of your account data before merging, just in case.

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