120 fps Apex Legends: How to Boost Your Gameplay Experience


  • Game development studios have a responsibility to provide the best possible gaming experience to their players, and smooth and seamless gameplay is an essential aspect of this.
  • The lack of 120fps support in some games is disappointing, but there are several potential solutions to this issue, including prioritizing the addition of 120fps support, working with hardware manufacturers to optimize the game, and communicating more openly with the community.
  • Players who are dissatisfied with the lack of 120fps support can switch to playing the game on a different platform or device, such as a PC, to achieve higher frame rates.

Game development studios have a responsibility to provide the best possible gaming experience to their players. One of the essential aspects of a great gaming experience is smooth and seamless gameplay, which is heavily dependent on the frame rate of the game. In this regard, it is disappointing that some game development studios still do not support 120fps more than three years after the release of current-gen consoles.

Fortunately, there are several potential solutions to this issue. The first and most obvious solution is for the studio to prioritize adding 120fps support to the game. This could involve reallocating resources and re-prioritizing development tasks to make sure that the feature is added as soon as possible. By doing so, the studio can provide a better gaming experience to its players and ensure that they are satisfied with the game.

Another potential solution is for the studio to work with hardware manufacturers to optimize the game for higher frame rates. This could involve making changes to the game's code or using specialized hardware to improve performance. By collaborating with hardware manufacturers, the studio can ensure that the game runs smoothly and efficiently on the latest hardware, providing players with the best possible gaming experience.

Communication is also key to maintaining a positive relationship with the community. Therefore, another potential solution is for the studio to communicate more openly with the community about the status of 120fps support. This could involve providing regular updates on the development progress and explaining any challenges or roadblocks that have arisen during development. By keeping the community informed, the studio can build trust and maintain a positive relationship with its players.

Finally, players who are dissatisfied with the lack of 120fps support can switch to playing the game on a different platform or device. For example, players who own a PC can use that platform to play the game at higher frame rates. This can be a good option for players who are willing to invest in the necessary hardware and who prioritize high frame rates over other factors such as convenience or ease of use.

In conclusion, there are several potential solutions to the issue of a game development studio not supporting 120fps more than three years after the release of current-gen consoles. These solutions include prioritizing the addition of 120fps support, working with hardware manufacturers to optimize the game, communicating more openly with the community, and switching to a different platform or device. By implementing these solutions, game development studios can ensure that they are providing the best possible gaming experience to their players and maintaining a positive relationship with the community.

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