How Many Apex Legends Packs Have You Opened? A Guide to Tracking Your Progress


  • Apex Legends is a popular battle royale game with many players worldwide.
  • There is no built-in feature in Apex Legends to see how many packs have been opened.
  • Players can use workarounds such as online calculators or manual tracking to get an estimate, but these methods may not always be accurate.

Apex Legends is a popular battle royale game that has captured the attention of many players worldwide. One question that players often ask is whether there is a way to see how many packs they have opened in the game. Unfortunately, Apex Legends does not have a built-in feature that allows players to see this information. However, there are a few workarounds that players can use to get an idea of how many packs they have opened.

One option is to use an online calculator, such as the one provided by This calculator can give players a rough estimate of how many packs they have opened, based on the number of Apex Packs they have purchased. However, it's important to note that the information provided by these calculators may not always be accurate. This is because the calculator relies on the player to input the correct information, and there is always a chance for error.

Another option is to manually keep track of the packs opened by saving them until you reach 100. This method can be tedious and time-consuming, but it is a reliable way to keep track of how many packs you have opened. To do this, players need to keep track of the number of Apex Packs they have purchased and the number of items they have received from those packs. Once they have opened 100 packs, they can add up the total number of items they have received to get an estimate of how many packs they have opened.

Some players believe that EA, the game's developer, intentionally doesn't provide a way to see how many packs have been opened to encourage players to keep buying them. While this may be true, it's important to remember that there is no official confirmation of this from EA. The lack of a built-in feature to track pack openings could simply be an oversight on the part of the developers.

In conclusion, while there is no official way to see how many packs have been opened in Apex Legends, players can use workarounds such as online calculators or manual tracking to get an estimate. It's important to keep in mind that these methods may not always be accurate, and players should use them at their own risk.

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