Sims PC: Embrace the Dark Side in The Sims 4 - A Guide to Becoming a Vampire


  • Transforming your Sim into a vampire in The Sims PC game can be achieved through either the natural method, which requires patience and monitoring, or the cheat command method, which provides a quicker transformation.
  • If you encounter issues with family relationships or glitches when attempting to create a twin Sim, it is advisable to perform a complete uninstallation and fresh installation of the game to rectify any complications.
  • With a bit of patience and the strategic use of cheat commands, you can immerse yourself in the captivating world of the undead and enjoy the thrilling experience of playing as a vampire in The Sims.

Are you desperately trying to turn your Sim into a vampire in The Sims PC game? Fret not, for I am here to illuminate this enigmatic and captivating process. There are two methods you can employ to achieve this transformation: the natural route or the cheat command method. Let's delve into both options, shall we?


If you opt for the natural method, bear in mind that it may take some time for your Sim to metamorphose into a bloodthirsty creature of the night. The cheat you mentioned does indeed work, but it operates over several in-game days, gradually transitioning your Sim into a vampire. Exercise patience and closely monitor your Sim's progression.

However, if you desire a more expeditious transformation, you can resort to cheat commands. One cheat that might prove effective is "traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire". This particular cheat should instantaneously bestow vampirism upon your Sim, bypassing the waiting period altogether. Give it a whirl and observe the results.

Now, let's address the issue you encountered when attempting to create a twin Sim and the subsequent complications with family relationships. It's plausible that this predicament arose due to a game update or the introduction of the For Rent expansion pack. These alterations may have inadvertently caused conflicts or glitches within the game.

To rectify this issue, I recommend performing a complete uninstallation of the game followed by a fresh installation. This will ensure that you have a pristine setup devoid of any lingering complications. Once you've accomplished this, retry the vampire transformation methods and assess whether the family relationship quandaries persist.

In conclusion, transforming your Sim into a vampire can prove to be a challenging endeavor. However, armed with a modicum of patience and the judicious application of cheat commands, you should be able to immerse yourself in the captivating world of the undead. Remember to remain vigilant for any updates or expansions that may impact the game's functionality. Happy Simming!

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