Starfield Guide: starfield what weapons can vasco use


  • Vasco is a versatile companion in Starfield who can be equipped with any weapon in the player's inventory.
  • While Vasco's default laser cannot be upgraded, players can give him a better laser or ammunition for other weapons.
  • Companions like Vasco add an extra layer of strategy to Starfield, making the game more enjoyable and immersive for players.

Starfield is an exciting space exploration and combat game that offers a wide range of weapons and tactics for players to experiment with. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the companion characters that players can recruit to join their crew. Vasco is one such companion, and players may be wondering what weapons he can use and how they can upgrade his default laser.

starfield what weapons can vasco use

Fortunately, Vasco is a versatile companion who can be equipped with any weapon that the player has in their inventory. This means that players can give him a variety of weapons to use, including ballistics, particle, and energy weapons. However, it is important to note that Vasco can only use one weapon at a time and will not switch to his default laser. Additionally, Vasco cannot use melee weapons.

While Vasco's default laser cannot be upgraded, players can give him a better laser by finding one in the game world or purchasing one from a vendor. Players can also give Vasco ammunition for other weapons by equipping them on him and giving him one ammo for that weapon. However, Vasco will only use the weapon that is equipped and will not switch to other weapons in his inventory.

It is worth noting that some players have reported difficulty getting Vasco to equip weapons besides his default laser. In these cases, it may be necessary to try equipping the weapon multiple times or to try a different weapon altogether. Additionally, some weapons, such as the minigun, may not work for Vasco and will cause him to switch to melee attacks.

Overall, Starfield offers a wide range of weapons and tactics for players to experiment with, and companions like Vasco add an extra layer of strategy to the game. With a little trial and error, players can find the weapons and tactics that work best for them and their companions, making for a more enjoyable and immersive gaming experience.

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