Starfield Guide: starfield how to increase crew capacity on ship


  • Adding Habitation Modules can increase the crew capacity of your ship and provide additional living space for your crew members.
  • Upgrading the reactors can also increase the crew capacity, but it can be expensive.
  • Some bridge modules can allow for increased crew capacity, but they can be expensive and may not be within everyone's budget.

Welcome to the world of Starfield, where you can customize your very own ship to suit your needs. One of the most important aspects of any ship is its crew capacity. By default, the crew capacity of a custom ship in Starfield is set at 2 members. However, there are several solutions you can consider to increase this limit and accommodate more crew members.

One of the simplest ways to increase the crew capacity of your ship is by adding Habitation Modules. These modules will not only show the crew capacity but also provide additional living space for your crew members. Keep in mind that the number of crew members you can accommodate will depend on the number of crew slots available in the Habitation Modules.

Another option to consider is to check the crew capacity stat in the reactors. Upgrading the reactors will increase the crew capacity of your ship. However, this option can be quite expensive, so make sure to weigh the costs before proceeding.

If you are looking to go beyond the standard limit of 3 crew members, you will need to upgrade your Ship Command perk. This perk will allow you to have more crew members on board your ship. Additionally, having enough crew slots in the Habitation Modules is also required to accommodate more crew members.

Finally, some bridge modules, such as the Deimos bridge, allow for increased crew capacity. However, these modules can only be purchased at the company staryards or sales outlets. Keep in mind that these modules can be quite expensive and may not be within everyone's budget.

In addition to the above options, having weapons on your ship will also provide a half crew bonus. This means that having weapons will help you accommodate more crew members on your ship.

In conclusion, there are several solutions you can consider to increase the crew capacity of your custom ship in Starfield. From adding Habitation Modules to upgrading your Ship Command perk, there are many options available to you. Just make sure to weigh the costs and benefits before making any decisions. Happy customizing!

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