Starfield Andreja: The Mysterious Disappearing Cocktail


  • Andreja, a vivacious character in Starfield, has a captivating affinity for the cocktail known as "The Top Shelf," adding depth and intrigue to her persona.
  • "The Top Shelf" mysteriously disappears from Andreja's inventory, revealing her exclusive taste for this particular libation.
  • Despite numerous attempts to introduce her to other alcoholic beverages, Andreja remains loyal to "The Top Shelf," making it essential for players to keep a steady supply on hand to witness her enjoyment.

Andreja, the vivacious character in Starfield, has an intriguing affinity for cocktails, with a particular fondness for a drink known as "The Top Shelf." This delightful concoction has become synonymous with Andreja's vibrant personality, adding an extra layer of depth to her character. As a dedicated game guide author, I embarked on a quest to uncover the secrets behind Andreja's love for this specific libation.


My journey began in the bustling city of New Atlantas, where I stumbled upon a charming establishment called Whetstone. Intrigued by Andreja's mention of this place, I decided to explore its offerings. To my delight, I discovered a selection of unique items that I promptly purchased and added to Andreja's inventory. Among them was "The Top Shelf," a cocktail that caught my attention due to its mysterious allure.

Curiosity got the better of me when I noticed that "The Top Shelf" would mysteriously vanish from Andreja's inventory after some time. Eager to unravel this enigma, I conducted a series of experiments. Each time I replenished her supply of this beloved cocktail, it would inevitably disappear again. It became clear that Andreja had developed an exclusive taste for "The Top Shelf" and was unable to resist indulging in her favorite drink.

However, it is essential to note that Andreja's discerning palate extends solely to "The Top Shelf." Despite my efforts to introduce her to a variety of other alcoholic beverages, none seemed to capture her fancy. It appears that this particular cocktail has captured her heart, leaving no room for any other libations to satisfy her cravings.

For those who wish to witness Andreja's enjoyment of a drink, it is imperative to keep a steady supply of "The Top Shelf" on hand. Be prepared, though, as this tantalizing elixir will mysteriously vanish from her inventory time and time again. Cheers to Andreja and her unique taste in cocktails, adding an extra layer of excitement to the Starfield experience!

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