The Onion News comes true! The most hardcore mod in Stardew Valley: automatically delete files after checking the encyclopedia

Recently, the Hard Drive website published an Onion News article, saying that Stardew Valley has launched a new hardcore mode-if you check the game's Wikipedia, the system will automatically delete your farm. Inspired by the article, a software engineer actually developed such a Mod.

In this mode, if the player opens the game's Wiki, the mod will delete all the player's save files. Netizens have said that this is indeed a very hardcore way to play, because the Wiki is too important for Stardew Valley players. It can tell you the characteristics of crops, watering time, the gifts that villagers like, the location of fish, and other key information. As you can imagine, playing this game without the Wiki is an extremely difficult task.

On GitHub, the author introduced the principle of the Mod implementation: it scans the currently open windows on the user's computer to check whether there is "Stardew Valley Wiki" in the title. If it is found, the Mod will delete the user's archive.

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