Sons of the Forest Pistol Predicament: Shedding Light on the Shotgun Flashlight Dilemma


  • Discover ingenious solutions to fix the frustrating issue of the mounted flashlight getting blocked by half the gun in Sons of the Forest, including the Tactical Tape Technique, a detachable flashlight, or a laser light combo.
  • The Tactical Tape Technique involves applying a strip of tape to create a makeshift spacer, the detachable flashlight offers versatility and customization, and the laser light combo combines pinpoint accuracy and illumination in one compact unit.
  • With these creative solutions, players can light up the darkness and take down mutants with ease, turning their shotgun into a powerful tool for thrilling forest adventures.

Attention all shotgun enthusiasts! We have an exciting topic to discuss today that has been on the minds of Sons of the Forest players: how to fix the frustrating issue of the mounted flashlight getting blocked by half the gun. Fear not, for we have delved into the depths of this conundrum and discovered some ingenious solutions that will have you blasting mutants with ease in no time.


One player raised a valid concern, questioning if this issue still exists and expressing disbelief that it could take a year to fix. Well, dear player, we are here to shed some light on the matter and put your doubts to rest.

Now, let's dive into the possible solutions to this shotgun flashlight dilemma in Sons of the Forest.

Solution 1: The Tactical Tape Technique

A brilliant workaround that players have discovered is the Tactical Tape Technique. By applying a strip of tape carefully to the flashlight mount, you can create a makeshift spacer that elevates the flashlight above the obstructing part of the gun. This simple yet effective solution allows you to illuminate your targets without any interference. Just ensure you use a tape that won't leave any sticky residue on your weapon, unless you want your shotgun to look like it's been through a sticky situation.

Solution 2: The Detachable Flashlight

For those seeking versatility, consider investing in a detachable flashlight. By attaching a flashlight to the shotgun using a rail or mounting system, you can easily remove it when not in use or adjust its position to avoid any obstruction. This option grants you the freedom to customize your setup and find the perfect balance between light and firepower. Plus, wielding a shotgun with a detachable flashlight will make you feel like a true tactical mastermind.

Solution 3: The Laser Light Combo

If you're feeling adventurous and want to elevate your shotgun game, why not try a laser light combo? These ingenious gadgets combine a laser sight and a flashlight into one compact unit, eliminating the need for a separate flashlight mount. With a laser light combo, you'll have pinpoint accuracy and illumination rolled into one, giving you the upper hand in those intense encounters with the forest's denizens. Remember to practice proper firearm safety and avoid shining the laser directly into anyone's eyes.

In conclusion, while the issue of the mounted flashlight getting blocked by half the gun may be frustrating, fear not, dear players! There are several creative solutions at your disposal. Whether you opt for the Tactical Tape Technique, a detachable flashlight, or a laser light combo, you'll be able to light up the darkness and take down those pesky mutants in no time. So, grab your shotgun, choose your preferred solution, and get ready for some thrilling forest adventures!

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