Sons of the Forest: Unearth the Best Weapons with Solafite Mining!


  • The Holospings cave is a hidden gem in Sons of the Forest, offering an abundance of Solafite ore and other valuable resources without the fear of overwhelming enemies.
  • The first cave adjacent to the lake is another prime spot for mining Solafite, with relatively easy enemies to handle, making it a convenient option for upgrading weapons.
  • If exploring caves isn't your thing, the fishing villages on the east side of the island provide a convenient and respawning source of Solafite and other resources for continuous weapon upgrades.

Are you ready to take your weapon upgrades to the next level in Sons of the Forest? If so, you're in luck! In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil the ultimate hotspot for gathering Solafite ore and provide you with some invaluable tips on how to reach it with ease. So, gear up and get ready for an adventure like no other!


The Holospings cave is the holy grail when it comes to finding Solafite ore in Sons of the Forest. Nestled away in secrecy, this hidden gem is certainly worth the effort it takes to reach it. To embark on this thrilling treasure hunt, make your way to the entrance of the cave. Once you arrive, cleverly construct planters using sticks to create a staircase leading upwards. This ingenious trick will grant you seamless navigation in both directions within the cave.

As you step foot into the depths of the Holospings cave, prepare to be greeted by an abundance of Solafite ore. It's as if the heavens themselves are showering you with this precious resource! And the best part? The only adversaries you'll encounter are a few harmless baby creatures. With no hordes of menacing monsters to worry about, you can mine to your heart's content without any fear of being overwhelmed.

But that's not all! In addition to the copious amounts of Solafite, this cave also houses an array of other valuable resources waiting to be discovered. Keep your eyes peeled for ammo, pills, and wire, all of which can prove to be essential during your daring escapades. It's like stumbling upon a one-stop shop for all your upgrading needs!

If the thought of navigating through dark caves doesn't quite tickle your fancy, fear not! There are alternative options available to you. Head over to the first cave adjacent to the lake, where four rivers gracefully flow from. Here, you'll find several deposits of Solafite, and if you crave even more, venture deeper into the cave. The enemies lurking within are relatively easy to handle, making this location a prime spot for mining to your heart's content.

And if that still doesn't satisfy your thirst for Solafite, don't despair! There are free resources scattered around the fishing villages on the east side of the island, just south of the golf course. While the quantity may not be as substantial as in the caves, it's a convenient option that doesn't require delving into the darkness. Furthermore, these resources magically respawn each time you reload the game, allowing you to continuously stock up on Solafite.

So, whether you choose to embark on an adventure within the depths of the Holospings cave, explore the first cave by the lake, or take advantage of the resources in the fishing villages, you are now armed with the knowledge to upgrade your weapons in Sons of the Forest. Happy mining, brave explorers!

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