Sons of the Forest GPS: Navigating the Island Like a Pro in Sons of the Forest


  • Fear not, intrepid explorers! Sons of the Forest may lack a map annotation feature, but there are alternative solutions to help you navigate the vast island without spoilers, such as Mapgenie and community-created maps.
  • Get creative with your own makeshift navigation methods in-game, like using GPS markers or leaving visual cues, to create a personalized navigation system that enhances your gameplay experience.
  • With the help of external resources and in-game techniques, you can confidently conquer the island of Sons of the Forest and chart your own course with a personalized map. Happy exploring!

Lost on the vast island of Sons of the Forest, players are frustrated by the lack of a map annotation feature, leading to repetitive discoveries and a desire for a high-resolution map without spoilers.


Fear not, intrepid explorers! While Sons of the Forest may not have an in-game map annotation feature, there are a few solutions to help you navigate the vast island without resorting to online maps and spoilers.

One option is to utilize Mapgenie, a website that offers a detailed map with indicators. This interactive map allows you to zoom in and out, providing a clear overview of the island's terrain. However, fear not, for it also provides a "hide all" option, allowing you to remove those pesky icons and create a clean slate for your own discoveries. Additionally, if you create an account, you can save your own waypoints, making it easier to mark important locations. With Mapgenie, you can have the best of both worlds - a detailed map to guide you and the ability to personalize it to suit your needs.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can turn to the community for help. There are dedicated players who have created high-resolution maps without any icons, such as the ones available on GitHub. These maps may not be perfect, but they offer a good starting point for your own exploration and note-taking. You can print them out or keep them open on a second screen while playing, allowing you to reference them as needed. By combining these community-created maps with your own observations, you can create a comprehensive guide to the island that is tailored to your playstyle.

In-game, you can get creative with your own makeshift navigation methods. For example, you can use GPS markers, which can be crafted and placed on sticks to mark certain areas. By strategically placing these markers, you can create your own trail of breadcrumbs, ensuring you don't get lost and can easily find your way back to important locations. Alternatively, you can leave visual cues like sticks with skulls or other distinctive objects to mark paths or important locations. These visual cues can serve as reminders and help you navigate the island with ease. You can even use tarps at cave entrances to signify that you've already explored them, ensuring they show up on your mental map. By utilizing these in-game tools and techniques, you can develop your own personalized navigation system that suits your needs and enhances your overall gameplay experience.

While Sons of the Forest may not provide a built-in solution for map annotations, these alternative methods will allow you to chart your own course and conquer the island with your own personalized map. So, fear not, brave explorers, for with the help of external resources like Mapgenie, community-created maps, and in-game navigation techniques, you can navigate the vast island of Sons of the Forest with confidence and precision. Happy exploring!

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