Sons of the Forest Cheats: Banishing Pesky 'K's from Your Map - A Lively Guide!


  • Discover how to remove cheat-induced Kelvins from your Sons of the Forest game with a simple console command and a game refresh.
  • Explore an adventurous alternative solution by trying to spawn more Kelvins to potentially reset the game and eliminate the unwanted 'K's on the map.
  • Keep in mind that these solutions may not work for everyone, but it's worth a shot to restore your game to its cheat-free glory.

So, it seems like you've been having a bit too much fun with cheats in Sons of the Forest, huh? Well, fear not, fellow cheater! We won't judge you. In fact, we're here to help you out of this sticky situation and get rid of those pesky reminders of your cheating escapades. One player found themselves in quite a pickle after accidentally spawning a bunch of Kelvins using the cheatstick. Now, they're left with a map full of 'K's and a burning desire to remove all the cheats they used. Can it be done? Let's find out, shall we?


Luckily, there are a couple of solutions that might just save the day and restore your game to its cheat-free glory. The first solution, suggested by a helpful commenter, involves using the "removedead" command. It's as simple as opening up the console, typing in "removedead," and voila! The bodies of those unfortunate Kelvins will vanish into thin air. But hold your celebrations for now, as we've got a few more steps to go.

Once you've successfully removed the bodies, it's time to save your game. Exit to the main menu and then re-enter your saved game. This nifty little trick should help refresh your game and, hopefully, remove those pesky 'K's from your map. Think of it as a virtual cleanse for your cheating sins.

Now, for those of you feeling a bit more adventurous, there's another solution that might just do the trick. One player mentioned that they tried to add more Kelvins using cheats but had no luck. So, perhaps the reverse could work? Give it a shot and try spawning a few more Kelvins using the cheatstick. Who knows, maybe this will reset the game and clear out those unwanted 'K's.

Of course, it's important to note that these solutions might not work for everyone, as each game can have its own quirks and glitches. However, it's definitely worth a try. So go ahead, give these suggestions a whirl, and see if you can rid your game of those pesky reminders of your cheating adventures. Good luck, cheater!

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