Cheats for Sons of the Forest: Crafting Shotgun Ammo - A Balanced Approach to Survival


  • The article explores the desire for craftable shotgun ammo in Sons of the Forest, offering a balanced and immersive solution that adds an extra layer of challenge to the game.
  • It suggests a recipe using readily available resources, such as cloth, spoiled meat, and small stones, to create shotgun shells, encouraging players to scavenge for ingredients.
  • The article advises players to make their mod requests on platforms like Reddit, where their requests can stay visible and have a higher chance of catching the attention of talented modders.

Picture this: you're deep in the heart of the forest, surrounded by mutant cannibals and fighting for your life in the thrilling world of Sons of the Forest. But let's be real, ammunition is a precious commodity in this game. With resources no longer respawning, it can be a real challenge to scrounge up enough shotgun shells to obliterate those creepy creatures. But fear not, my fellow survivors, because there might just be a solution for you!


The desire for craftable shotgun ammo is a hot topic among players, and one brave soul had the audacity to ask the question that's been on all of our minds: can someone please create a mod for crafting shotgun ammo? Now, before we delve into the possible solutions, let's address the elephant in the room - some may consider this cheating. But fret not, my friends, because we're not here to promote mindless cheating. We're here to find a solution that is immersive and balanced, while still preserving the essence of the game.

One suggestion that has been thrown into the ring is a recipe that utilizes readily available resources. Imagine being able to combine 1 cloth, 5 spoiled meat, and 10 small stones to create 5 shotgun shells. This would require players to scavenge for the necessary ingredients, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game. Of course, this is just one example, and there are countless other recipes that could be explored.

Now, the burning question arises - where can one make such a request? It seems that the usual mod request sections on platforms like Nexus might not have a dedicated section for Sons of the Forest. And let's be honest, posting a request on a Discord channel might result in it getting lost among a sea of comments. So, what's the solution? Well, the suggestion here is to create a post on a platform like Reddit. This way, your request can stay visible and have a higher chance of catching the attention of talented modders who can turn your dreams of craftable shotgun ammo into a reality.

So, my fellow survivors, the quest for craftable shotgun ammo rages on. While we can't promise an immediate solution, we hope that this article sheds some light on the possibilities and avenues you can explore. Remember, it's all about finding a balance between immersion and fun. Happy hunting, and may your shotgun shells always find their mark!

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