Palworld Guide: How to rotate triangle wall?


  • Players have discovered clever tricks to rotate stubborn triangle walls in the game, such as placing a ceiling on the wall and then removing it, or dismantling the supporting wall and constructing the triangle wall from the inside.
  • It's important to note that these methods are based on player experiences and may not work for everyone, as the game's mechanics and updates can affect how objects behave.
  • Despite the challenges, players are encouraged to embrace their inner architect, experiment with different approaches, and have fun while rotating those triangle walls to create their dream house.

So, you find yourself in a predicament while trying to construct your perfect little house in the game. A stubborn triangle wall just won't budge, refusing to rotate and fit into place. But fear not, my fellow architect, for I have the solution to your geometric dilemma.

Players have discovered a couple of methods to successfully rotate triangle walls in the game. One popular technique involves placing a ceiling on the wall where you want to position the triangle, and then removing the ceiling. This clever trick seems to do the trick, as demonstrated in a video shared by a fellow player. However, it's important to note that I haven't personally tested this method, so proceed with caution.

Another player suggests a different approach that has proven effective. They recommend dismantling the supporting wall and constructing the triangle wall from the inside. To ensure success, they also built the entire frame around the triangle wall. This method worked for them on both sides, so it's definitely worth giving it a shot if the ceiling trick doesn't yield the desired results.

It's vital to keep in mind that these methods are based on player experiences and may not work for everyone. The game's mechanics and updates can sometimes alter how certain objects behave. So, if all else fails, don't be discouraged. Embrace your inner architect and continue experimenting, trying different approaches until you find the perfect solution that works for you.

Remember, building in games can often present challenges, but with a little creativity and persistence, you'll be able to conquer any architectural obstacle that comes your way. So, don't give up! Keep pushing boundaries, exploring new techniques, and most importantly, have fun while rotating those triangle walls to create your dream house. Happy building!

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