Palworld Guide: How to merge guilds


  • Communication is key: Before merging guilds, have an open and honest conversation with your friend to ensure you're on the same page.
  • Explore all solutions: Check guild requirements, seek admin assistance, consider temporary disbandment, or explore alternative platforms to merge guilds.
  • Persistence pays off: Merging guilds can be complex, but with patience and creative thinking, you and your friend can create an unstoppable force in the game.

So, you and your friend find yourselves in a predicament - you're both guildmasters of your own guilds on a private server, but for some reason, the game won't let either of you join the other's guild. It's frustrating, isn't it? But fear not, for in this guide, we will show you how to merge guilds and join forces with your friend in no time. Let's dive right in!

Step 1: Communication is Key

Before embarking on the journey of merging guilds, it is crucial to have a heart-to-heart chat with your friend. Take the time to discuss your motivations for wanting to merge and ensure that both of you are on the same page. It's essential to have a clear understanding of your goals and expectations for the merged guild. By establishing open lines of communication, you'll be better equipped to tackle any obstacles that may arise during the merging process.

Step 2: Explore Possible Solutions

Now that you've laid the foundation of communication with your friend, it's time to explore the potential solutions to your guild merging dilemma. Here are a few options you can consider:

Solution 1: Check Guild Requirements

Sometimes, game mechanics can be a bit tricky, and there may be specific requirements that need to be met in order to merge guilds. Take a thorough look at the guild settings and see if there are any conditions that need to be fulfilled. It could be as simple as reaching a certain level or having a minimum number of members. Ensure that both guilds meet these requirements before attempting to merge.

Solution 2: Seek Admin Assistance

If you've carefully checked the guild requirements and everything seems to be in order, but you're still unable to merge, it's time to seek the assistance of the game's administrators. Contact the support team and explain your situation in detail. They may be able to provide insights or even manually merge the guilds for you. Remember to maintain a polite and respectful tone when communicating with the support team, as they are more likely to help you if you approach them with courtesy.

Solution 3: Temporary Disbandment

If all else fails, you and your friend can consider the option of temporarily disbanding your respective guilds. While this may sound drastic, it can serve as a workaround to merge your guilds. Both of you can simultaneously disband your guilds and then create a new guild together. Keep in mind that this option will require you to rebuild your guild from scratch, so ensure that it's a decision you're both willing to make.

Solution 4: Explore Alternative Platforms

If the private server you're currently playing on doesn't allow guild merging, it might be worth considering exploring alternative platforms or servers that do offer this feature. Look for servers that specifically cater to guild merging or have a more flexible guild system. By venturing into new territories, you can still enjoy playing together with your friend while being part of the same guild.

Remember, merging guilds can be a complex process, and not all games or servers may have the same options available. It's important to be patient and explore all possible avenues before giving up. With a little persistence and some creative thinking, you and your friend will be able to merge your guilds and create an unstoppable force in the game! Good luck on your guild merging adventure!

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