Palworld Guide: how to start dedicated server "as community server" with steamcmd ?


  • Dive into the exciting world of starting a dedicated server "as a community server" with steamcmd and let this guide unravel the confusion for you.
  • Learn the four solutions to starting a dedicated server "as a community server" with steamcmd, including installing with the necessary argument, adding the argument in a batch file, configuring the Palworldsettings.ini file, and port forwarding.
  • Follow these steps to ensure your dedicated server is recognized as a community server, appears in the community server list, and allows incoming connections for an optimal gaming experience.

Welcome to the exciting world of starting a dedicated server "as a community server" with steamcmd! If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, fear not, for I am here to guide you through this perplexing journey. So, let's dive right in and unravel this tangled web of confusion.

To begin, there are a few solutions to the question of how to start a dedicated server "as a community server" with steamcmd. The first solution involves installing the dedicated server with the argument "EpicApp=Palserver" when downloading the file with steamcmd. This argument ensures that the server is recognized as a community server. So, be sure to include this argument during the installation process.

If you've already installed the dedicated server without the argument, don't worry! Solution number two involves adding the argument in a batch file. Simply create a new batch file and include the command:

start c:"my dedicated server folder location"palserver.exe EpicApp=PalServer -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS

This command will start the server with the necessary argument and additional parameters for optimal performance.

Now, let's move on to solution number three. To make your server appear in the community server list, you need to configure the Palworldsettings.ini file. Navigate to the palsavedconfigwindowserverpalworldsettings.ini file and locate the section where you can input your public IP. Once you've added your IP, don't forget to save the changes.

Lastly, solution number four involves port forwarding. It's essential to properly forward the default port number on your router to allow incoming connections to reach your server. Check your router's settings and ensure that the correct port is forwarded.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to starting a dedicated server "as a community server" with steamcmd. Good luck, and may your server be filled with eager players ready to embark on epic adventures! Remember, don't hesitate to reach out for further assistance if needed. Happy gaming!

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